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Everything posted by SoCalDucksFan

  1. Announcers talking about how Angels can go on a run, and be right back in it. Give me some of what they're smoking. Typical homers. Gotta be positive since their paychecks depend on it.
  2. Angels are a dumpster fire, within a dumpster fire, within a dumpster fire.
  3. Tell me again why Ohtani would want to remain an Angel.
  4. Angels have to go 35-14 to even have a shot at the Playoffs. There's really no room for error at this point.
  5. 2 errors on play. I wasn't sure they'd give the catcher one, but they did.
  6. Nice hustle play coming home, but he's lucky the catcher dropped the ball.
  7. You seem like an intelligent guy. Name 1 reason, aside from "loyalty," why Ohtani would remain in Anaheim after becoming a Free Agent.
  8. You do realize they're actually probably rooting for the Angels. And unlike for the Angels, this game has Playoff implications for the Dodgers, who know what it's like to play in October.
  9. Nobody is going to take on Rendon, who can barely put together 2 weeks of play without getting injured. And Ohtani is gone. LET IT GO with any thoughts of signing him. If he had wanted to sign here, he would have, and the Angels have shown NOTHING to make him question that. Look at their record this season. Look at their record last season. Look at their record the season before that. They are what they are, and if Ohtani wants more of the same, he'll sign here. If he wants the money AND the chance to win a Championship, he's going elsewhere.
  10. That said, Mr. Ohtani is a class act and respectful. He will be very complimentary of the Angels WHEN he signs a long term deal elsewhere. He's not going to blast them on the way out. He will refrain from saying that they have no chance of winning a championship. He'll simply say that the team he's going to, is in a better position to win Now. That he thinks he will fit in better within their system than he did in Anaheim.
  11. LET IT GO!! Anything to be discussed from this point forward, needs to be done leaving Ohtani completely out of the picture. There is simply NO WAY he is going to sign here. Thinking that there is even a chance, is about the same as thinking you have a chance at winning tomorrow's $1.5 Billion lottery drawing. Can it happen? Sure, if you buy a ticket, there's a chance you will win. Should you go out and buy a house today in expectation of that? No. Shohei has made it 100% crystal clear what he's looking for. And the Angels are COMPLETELY the opposite of that. He couldn't have spelled it out any more than he did. If you want to think that the Angels are in any way, shape or form, a team capable of making the Playoffs, let alone contending for a Championship, you're delusional. And I assure you, that Shohei is not delusional.
  12. Point on Trout is moot, because he'll soon be the only marketable player the Angels will have on their roster. They're already going to take a big hit on ticket sales when Ohtani leaves.
  13. I’d also look at the team I’ve followed for 30 years as an example. At one point, ownership cared, and the Ducks were a consistent playoff team. Lately they don’t seem to, and last season we had worst record in the league.
  14. He inherited a team that had just won a title. You don’t just go from a deep roster to crap overnight. So if/when he sells, the Angels are not going to turn things around on a dime. The thing that’s going to hurt them most, will be losing a superstar like Ohtani. There’s a good chance that they’re going to lose more next season. So if another owner comes in, they’re not going to inherit a situation which will be easy to resolve. I’d prepare for more of the same for at least a couple of years after that hopefully occurs.
  15. No team is going to be dumb enough to take on Trout's contract at this point. Especially now that he's starting to become more injury prone. The time to trade him would have been 2 years ago. He needs a team that's dumb enough to overpay an aging former superstar like Pujols. Unfortunately, that's the team he's already on.
  16. I have a better chance of signing a contract with the Angels than Ohtani. He's been gone for weeks now. Enjoy the next 7 weeks, because it's the last you'll ever see of him in an Angels uniform. They should have traded him at the '22 deadline. They should have traded him during the '22-'23 off season. And they should have traded him last week. Instead, the Angels are going to look like Idiots, when he walks and they get squat in return. And anyone who thinks MAGA Man Moreno cares, is delusional. If it were up to him, we'd have a Criminal for a President right now.
  17. Renfroe looking in his glove and not seeing the ball there, pretty much sums up the Angels season.
  18. On the other hand, the way the Angels have been playing, going 6-15 is not that unrealistic.
  19. When he signs elsewhere, the Angels organization and the fans will certainly use that theory as justification and for solace. "Yeah, he was great and all, but he's being overpaid, and in a few years, the contract will look like an unwise move by the team that signed him for that much." Of course, they wouldn't be saying that if he signs in Anaheim for $550 Million, they'd be talking about how happy they are that he's going to be here for the next 10 years.
  20. The difference between $600 Million and $550 Million is less than 10%, so it hardly matters. He's gonna get a boatload of dough.
  21. If they want to do something productive, they should waive anybody not named Ohtani or Trout. Call up everybody from Triple AAA to fill out the roster. How much worse could that end up being?
  22. I nominate him as the leader for the band playing on the Titanic. "Come on guys, play something cheerful."
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