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Everything posted by angelsfan100

  1. Yankees are going to push our poop back in during this series. I am deeply concerned. Good thing we got Philly next. Can't wait to see Bryce Harper and his tantrums.
  2. He's a great fielder no doubt. But his offensive output has been really really bad compared to what he did with the Nats. He was basically averaging 30 homers and 90 RBIS during his last 4 years as a Nat. His numbers aren't even close to this as an Angel.
  3. I wonder if they'll put some more padding on that fence
  4. May 25: RF Taylor Ward still out of lineup with neck stingerWard made a nice running catch to rob Tony Kemp of extra bases in the ninth inning of the Angels' May 20 game, but crashed into the right-field wall and exited the game. Ward was checked for a concussion after the game and passed the protocols, ruling out a concussion. He did, however, suffer what head athletic trainer Mike Frostad called a neck stinger, which caused Ward to feel some numbness in his right shoulder. Ward underwent MRI exams on his neck and right shoulder on May 23, but they came back clean. The issue is some weakness in his right shoulder, which means he is available to hit, but hasn't been cleared to play the outfield. He wasn't in the lineup on May 24 or May 25. Angels manager Joe Maddon said Ward was feeling about 10% better on May 25 than he was the previous day and isn't expected to need a stint on the injured list. -- Rhett Bollinger (Last updated: May 25) It doesnt' appear to be long term. Bet he's back by June 1.
  5. That'd be nice. But it wouldn't matter since this team can go ice cold on a dime.
  6. I understand you can't win em' all. But this team is starting to show some cracks. Just hope they can keep pace with the Stros.
  7. I had no idea he got hurt on his first play in Boston. I was just saying that's pretty awful/sad. EDIT: Looks like I misread your comment. I read it as his 1st play in Boston as a Red Sox. My bad. I was going to say that's quite the bad stroke of luck. I know what you're referring to. Boy do I feel silly.
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