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Everything posted by Kotchman

  1. Now you being the aw women’s equality representative, don’t woman deserve equal treatment as enemy combatants?
  2. Well those children are actually in American cages outside of Laredo.
  3. I saw one 14 year old but it appears to be mostly 16-18 males. Like the blacks, Arabs are basically full grown savages by that age. The Taylor version has this information but children brings more shock value. https://www.newsweek.com/palestinian-prisoners-released-full-list-israel-1845986
  4. Probably because you’re fairly simple minded and drink the far left kool-aid. It certainly isn’t because you’ve witnessed Arab women and children perform or assist in terrorist attacks
  5. Well the judge is interested in hearing more about the admitted dominion security flaws in Georgia
  6. Biden’s laptop was Russian propaganda until it wasn’t.
  7. Park your car in these fine areas that went 98% Biden with 65% being mailed in. There’s a reason we use dominion, object to voter id, and fail to clean voter roles.
  8. Dude Fox News is owned by globalists libs. They shit canned Tucker as payment to the feds. That settlement is nothing more than a tax write off and potentially an insurance claim. Don’t be so naive. The Dems won by mail and the vast majority from the inner city ballot. Now we know the crime infested cities where the mail in ballot population commits 60% of homicides. You’re convinced that all these upstanding citizens are above submitting fake ballots and / or allowing an outside organization to mail multiple ballots on their behalf. Your beloved dominion also admitted their machines were flawed in Georgia court but you probably missed that. Proof of voter fraud is the main reason Trump will walk free on most of these charges and Twitter is currently under attack. The dems are hoping to keep him off the ballot through the election but no way in hell do they want the piling evidence of election fraud to come to life. Just like the vaccine that you no longer take the truth will eventually come to light .Ourgovernment murdered a sitting President and has kept it secret for 70 years. We steal elections world wide yet you believe that same government is above rigging its own elections.
  9. It has created a generation of people who can’t think independently, live in a bubble, and don’t trust their own eyes. made the mistake of blindly trusting the Missouri weather forecast 1 time. I was rewarded with a 4 hour delay and barely missed a 40 car pile up. Probably 12 times since then I’ve avoided storms by adjusting the weather forecast based on what my eyes and experience tell me. Unfortunately too many kids nowadays grew up in a lib bubble and they’ve been lied to and lied to themselves so many times they don’t know how to discern truth. Hell they’ll get caught in a storm and come away blaming climate change for sabotaging the weather app. It will never cross their mind that they failed to recognize danger with their own eyes.
  10. The American people have no idea how poor military readiness really is. Anmo, equipment and troop strength are shamefully low. It gets worse when you peel the onion on how many troops are in non deployable status. The woke experiment has a bunch of trannies and pregnant women eroding our readiness. They’ve worked the rules where these two groups basically get paid and don’t show up to work for 18 months to 3 years. While I think fathered got shafted in the old days (7 days paternity leave) they went batshit crazy and give the fathers 90 days. Hard to train when damn near a third of your force is missing from the formation.
  11. The lib media end game has nothing to do with Musk’s opinion of Jews. Personally, I still see Musk as a liberal asshat that can’t be trusted. Unlike other social media sites, he allows some anti leftist opinions. He’s still not a true patriot. That said, the lib media and deep state want to destroy his platform to control the 2024 election narratives.
  12. Lol. Hell it did cross my mind after I posted it. That might actually be Taylor
  13. He’s going to be surprised when I crane kick his ass.
  14. Your old lady has a different reaction to my post.
  15. Do I believe Israel or the American government is telling the whole truth? No, but there is no denying that Hamas is human scum incapable of living in the civilized war. Common sense is greater than any government intelligence campaign (or in Taylor’s case) queer twitter campaign.
  16. American intelligence said Biden received 80 million legitimate votes. Why would we question their integrity?
  17. I hope for your family’s safety that you don’t use your liberal logic to keep them safe. I make damn sure I keep an eye on all Muslims. I had to lecture the wife last week for not identifying terrorists in Costco. She trying to save 5 dollars on some kitchen knives and I’m seeing two male terrorist with a cell phone.
  18. Were these people charged? That is a pretty good indicator
  19. Yet you vote for the party that has committed the majority of America’s sins.
  20. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion. I’ll argue your argument was the original argument that ultimately lead to the fall of man. The Judge and Creator makes his own rules. As inferior beings, we get to make our own choices but we don’t set the rules. We founded this nation on Christian principles and prospered for damn near 250 years. There isn’t an atheist nation in the world that’s enjoyed our freedom and prosperity. But yes, it makes sense to follow the values set by secular socialists nations. Maybe someday we can be France.
  21. Well you’re taking the out of context lazy atheist that’s read one passage of the Bible argument. That said you also fail to understand the concept of Creator and Judge. I agree with a lot of libertarian views of government. However the blatant rejection of eternal truths has shifted libertarians more in line with the single issue God hating libs. Right and wrong exists and never changes. Freedom can only exist within the confines of eternal truths.
  22. Joe Biden and Fauci disagree. Then there the 100 million Americans that lost their life without a vote. But hey, those who survived can have transgender story time in kindergarten courtesy of the dem party.
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