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Everything posted by BTH

  1. Saw this on Twitter, thought that it’s relevant… Not sure I agree, but it’s interesting to see one projection system rate the Angels’ offense this highly.
  2. Just like I don’t know whether he is actually interested in him, how do you know he is interested in him? The only indication we have is through reporting from a respected reporter who says that he is not interested. Yet you somehow believe that’s not the case, with no evidence otherwise.
  3. The latter. And my point is that we don’t know whether Arte is interested in Snell, yet some people are insistent that he is when reporting suggests he isn’t.
  4. Because it’s true. The front office is interested in him.
  5. Yes. If he made them an offer, that’s a pretty good sign he was interested (Beltre, Cole) He also admitted he was interested in Trea Turner. Those are just a couple examples off the top of my head.
  6. agreed. not sure it it was different for other teams, with deeper farm systems and talent not concentrated close to the majors.
  7. I’m probably deeper into the Angels minor leagues than 99% of fans, yet this was quite boring to me. The lineup the Angels ran out there was bad. Dana was cool, so is Rada. But the system beyond that isn’t good and it was evident. A 6th round pick last year was hitting 3rd.
  8. We’ll just ride with Rendon cleanup and Adell/Hicks at DH. Surely things will be fine.
  9. What this doesn’t tell me is whether Arte is actually interested in signing Snell and if he views him as someone who will substantially change the team.
  10. I think the fan outrage will translate into decreased ticket sales. But I agree that Arte’s not gonna care until/unless it starts affecting his revenue.
  11. If he ends up signing a deal like that, I’d be interested to know what number it would’ve taken to get him on a long-term deal. If he was just dead set on 8/$240M or a 3 year deal with an opt out after 1, then they couldn’t do anything. I’ll be mad if he was willing to do like 5-6 years for $150-$180M and Arte didn’t acquiesce.
  12. Sure, there’s not fan pressure like in those two cities. But the temperature of the customers should mean something to the business owner.
  13. More like the Head of PR letting Carpino know that the fan sentiment online is pure anger and outrage. Then Carpino may or may not relay that to Arte.
  14. He may not be, but his lieutenants should be aware of how his customers view his product. Again, I think it’s more of a Hail Mary attempt by Perry to see if this helps change anything. Cause he knows he’s in the last year of his deal, that winning would help his case to stay, and Snell helps the team win.
  15. Rosenthal said Moreno has held fast about not signing Snell, which would mean a deal was never close.
  16. Fan reaction online, people saying they aren’t gonna go to games, etc. Is it likely to work? No. But a Hail Mary attempt by a GM with his job on the line? Maybe
  17. I got misled. I thought a deal was happening, and someone jumped the gun. I wasn’t lying about it, just like Strad isn’t lying about what he’s hearing.
  18. I don’t think he would lie, but he may be misinformed or gotten misled. Even if Rosenthal’s report is false and this is just a negotiation, it’s bad for the Angels/Arte that they’ve dragged this out so long that the Astros are in the mix.
  19. Maybe he did it to try and up fan pressure and see if that changes anything. We know Arte is erratic. Maybe he signed off on Stephenson and then lost trust in Perry after Stephenson got hurt a month after dropping $33M on him.
  20. Sure. But I have no reason right now to believe that's the case.
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