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Posts posted by gotbeer

  1. I used to watch them.  But as the OP has said, they have become pretty bad.  You can have a topic, and it could be something important in sports, and they will barely cover it since they have already worked on some story back east.  


    they will have a short 30 second segment on who won last weekends golf tournament.  Then go off for 5  minutes on what Tigger did, and how they think he will do next week or for the next major.  


    They just don't bring much to the table for myself anymore.  If my provider ever went A La Carte, I don't think I would get ESPN.  

  2. With the governors mysterious past, and his psychotic nature.  Anyone think he was a prisoner of the prison before everything went downhill?  Kind of like that whole comment he gave about you said the prison couldn't be taken.  


    If I were Rick.  I'd get a brick.  Load up that neat van the Governor supplied.  And drone it into town.  Then pick off the sentries.  

  3. everyone else annoyed with andrea too?

    what a dumb ho



    Very much so.  They made her turn to crazy more like a turn to whining.  


    I want a gun.  Everyone else has a gun.  Give me a gun.  I want to kill.  I can handle myself.  Yeah, I killed I am a badass, where is my cookie?  

  4. Beginning to wonder if Dipoto has a tentative deal or two in the works for Wells, depending on how he looks in ST.

    Why else would a player of his age be in every ST game?



    He played a lot last spring also.  And actually put up decent numbers (for him that is).  23 games, .277/.338/.477/.815


    Dipoto might have some inquiries.  But it's probably just to get him reps.  Just like Trumbo has been in a lot of games already.  

  5. So what did everyone think about the whole hitchhiker thing? They passed him up twice. They didn't even flinch, except for the kid. Did Michone and Rick think he was a figment until the last part where they saw his backpack on the road?

    Are they so jaded and untrusting that they think the world is out to get them?

    And then this whole Michone in the group now. Seems like with the kid, Michone connected as the protector. Which seems like the role she was with Andrea. And now the kid sees that behind her mysteriousness that's all she is. And the connection with Rick seems to be the I see dead people. Which might be why she doesn't talk much with anyone, and is kind of distant. just like what Rick is becoming. So you have that to relate to.

    Am I off here?

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