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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Until he allows some runs. Then AO will be worried for all of us. Ok, maybe worried isn't the right word.
  2. I know. They are such the underdog. Hopefully they hold on today.
  3. Lol. I knew it. Chuck is a closet Mariners fan. Just be glad chuck you don't get Doggie Food Ads.
  4. Oh look. Look who the NHL Safety Department guy is. A former King. Figures. Corey Perry banned 4 games
  5. 4 games is a joke. Guy should learn how to skate, and the hypocracy of the NHL after the Stoll hit. No Suspension Suspension No elbow to the head
  6. Callaspo not looking good at 3B. Trumbo on the other hand, is looking good at 1B.
  7. Nice to hear Victor's voice on the tube. Yes I haven't watched many games.
  8. See how it works Padres. You do the contact play, ah crap nice boot.
  9. Stupid Padres. They are doing it wrong. don't they know contact play?
  10. TV guys didn't think he caught it either. But they haven't shown a close up of the play.
  11. Wait, am I watching the right game. Was that a steal by Bourjos?
  12. That's what i don't get about scoring. That was ruled a double and not an error on a routine play.
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