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Everything posted by eligrba4ever

  1. The Angels are sometimes very good at making a rookie look good in his first MLB pitching start. LIke the Milwaukee kid tonight. After NiTro blew up, the pen seemed OK.
  2. The Angels appear to have too many 4-inning and 5-inning starters.
  3. GO ANGELS!!! Go Nick Tropeano!!! NiTro needs to hold it together and pitch deep tonight. Go Trout!!! Go Albert!! Go Calhoun!! GO ANGELS!!! Let's get a win.
  4. ​When one is somewhat desperate the cupboard is bare at home, it doesn't hurt to kick someone else's tires. But Timmy's tires look nearly bald right now. Caveat: Kazmir rebuilt his machine with some success. It COULD happen.
  5. GO ANGELS!!! Go Jered Weaver!!! Bedazzle the Brewskies with your curves and changeups, Weave. Trout & Co., keep up the offensive assault you displayed Sunday in Arlington. Win three for Roenicke!!!
  6. LIGHT THAT BABY UP!!! First W for Mahle. Soto goes deep again. Angels avert a sweep. Unbeaten in May.
  7. 5-run leads can disappear in a hurry when Beltre and Fielder are hanging around.
  8. Is Steve Lyons still on TV with the Dodgers? MLB.TV just replayed his most memorable moment on the field when he pulled his pants down before realizing he was on the field.
  9. Vic​ asks what Yunel is doing? He's daydreaming. 7-4 on Kole's single. Should be 8-4.
  10. Yunel picks up Robinson with a sac fly. 5-4 Angels.
  11. He may not have touched the base, but there are no clear angles to prove that.
  12. Maybe somebody in the dugout noticed that. Done after 79 pitches.
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