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Everything posted by eligrba4ever

  1. There went the lead. Come on, Weaver. Finish the sixth.
  2. Cron finally goes for the grounder ... and then what happens? Wnew. Weaver looks OK. Fingers crossed.
  3. Jered a-bobbin' and a-weavin' through 5. Keep it up, Ace.
  4. GO ANGELS!!!! Go Jered Weaver!! Please??? Home cookin', Jered. Keep them guessing and keep the ball down. Hey!!! All you guys who play with Trout!! Get busy with the offense. That means you, Mister Warning Track Power.
  5. 16 minutes since I left the TV broadcast for Bill Maher. I guess the rest went with me.
  6. :Probably gonna leave this for the 10 p.m. showing of Real Time.
  7. Javy at least kept it 5-0 coming in with the bases loaded and nobody out. Welcome to the Halos, Mr. Guerra.
  8. Rasmus managed to get 7 of the 12 outs they were hoping he would be around for.
  9. Kind of ironic that in MLB.TV's next highlights reel between innings features a circus catch by Souza that saved Zimmerman's no-no with the Nats.
  10. GO ANGELS!!!! Go Cory Rasmus!!! Make your allotted 12 outs count and keep the ball down. Go Trout!! Go Albert!! WOO HOO!!!! NAVA IS BACK!!! SEASON SAVED!! And how do I get out of double spacing?
  11. Richards turns 28 in three weeks. If he's out 18 months, he'll be about 30 when he returns. He ain't a spring chicken or a "young" ace. He just may be a write-down on the balance sheet. It's almost time to move on from Garrett Richards, at least as "lead dog" on the sled team. Meet the Angels' new "ace" -- Hector Santiago.
  12. The Angels' highest-paid outfielder this season was supposed to finish a rehab last week but is back in the Metroplex so the doctors can figure out the mysteries of his never-ending knee pain. Not Josh-in' about this.
  13. LIGHT THAT BABY UP!!! Sweep averted. Smith for the 6-out save and big hits from Trout, CJ and Johnny.
  14. I see some chat about it being pink. I'm only seeing white background.
  15. JOHNNY G. makes it 6-3. Forgiven for then getting thrown out. Good job, Johnny G.!
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