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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. 1987 Phillies gave up more: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/PHI/1987.shtml And a ton of teams in the late 1800s/early 1900s did.
  2. Please just pull him. I honestly don't care who they put in. I just can't take this.
  3. Buckner was designated for assignment to clear space for JC Gutierrez.
  4. Maybe the Angels should offer the Braves Tommy Hanson for Jordan Walden.
  5. Wasn't that the theory behind bringing in Blanton, too? How'd that work out?
  6. Maybe they should try an open-door meeting next time, just to change things up.
  7. If he doesn't sign an extension this off-season, I'd say he's gone as soon as he can hit free agency.
  8. I would actually feel better if this was the team giving like 70%. If this is 100%, that makes me kinda sad for what the future of this team holds..
  9. Angels' official website just did a blurb about how he's making himself a contender for Rookie of the Year...
  10. Unless something changes, we're about to be in 4th place, a game behind the Mariners. Fun.
  11. Cowgill doing his best Shuck impression out there in RF.
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