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Posts posted by Pujols4MVP

  1. Blanton was already one of the crappiest pitchers before they signed him.

    Any NL West (Dodgers) pitcher with a ERA in the upper 4.90's is gonna get pwned in the AL.


    His agent is a genius getting Dipoto to sign him for more than 1 million a year.

  2. Anyhow, Trout would have struck out a lot in any era, but my guess is that his career average of 160 per year would have been more like 120 per year in the 1950s - 80s, and more like 140 in the 1990s.



    Only a couple years older than me. I remember Grich too, but I thought you remembered Fregosi who stopped being an Angel before either of us were born.


    I think in Ruth's era he would have averaged less than 100Ks with how inferior the level of competition was with MLB being white only & alot less population to fill the talent pool of players. Imagine Trout & Ruth on the same team.

  3. At least with Dave Dombrowski you know when the time comes he would re-sign Trout no matter the cost instead of being cheap & watching him walk.


    Trout needs to go into the MLB HOF as an Angel, not a Yankee, Redsux or Doodger.

  4. Agreed. Splits are important to note, but just about every player, especially power hitters, tailor their swing/approach to their home park. It makes sense because obviously you play far more games there than anywhere else.

    It shouldnt be ignored, but it shouldnt be an end all.

    I kind of like the idea of seeing if we can make a run on chapman. We dont need him...right now...but things could change. The downside is i doubt either him or street would be excited about splitting time. Street maybe a little more receptive because hes already locked up, chapman probably not so much because he has another deal in his future.


    The mental factor too, some players feel more confident at home games.

  5. I don't think i've ever heard a bad thing about Witcher 3.


    I can't wait to play it, i'm trying to force myself not to buy it until I upgrade my graphics card (i'm using a GTX650 right now, that would hardly run the game I imagine). I want to enjoy it in all it's glory on the PC silky smooth...no 30 FPS crap on PS4.


    Not only that, but I have to finish my copy of final fantasy X re-mastered, and I haven't even unwrapped the last of us or finished GTA5. Working 10-20 hours OT every week and having a 5 and 6 year old tend to leave little time for games these days :(


    You should be able to run it fine, I'm getting great performance with only a GTX 750 2GB (non ti), 8gb ram, AMD 8320(3.5ghz 8 core).

    Running it with Ultra Textures turned on too. Game is better optimized than Witcher 2 which lagged so much.

  6. What about Halifax, Nova Scotia ?  Halifax according to Wikipedia has more people than the city of Anaheim.

    Their province has more people than Manitoba which has a NHL team already in Winnipeg.

    Would still be a small market but they would sell out every game & people across the whole Nova Scotian province would buy Jerseys, watch games etc.

    They are proud of their province.

  7. Expansion teams names for the citys that could afford a team.


    Portland: Portland Lumberjacks.

    Vancouver, Canada: Vancouver Stars (reference to Vancouver being Hollywood North)

    Las Vegas: Las Vegas Gamblers.

    Montreal: Montreal Expos.

    San Antonio: San Antonio Lonestars. (or Spurs if the team is owned by Mark Cuban).

    Havana, Cuba: Havana Missiles.

    Puerto Rico: San Juan Lions.

    Ottawa, Canada: Ottawa Capitals

    Calgary, Canada: Calgary Mounties.

    Newark, New Jersey: Newark Hitmen.

  8. Strad's idea is a nice one (moving back the trade deadline to Aug 15), that takes into account the increasing number of teams in post-season contention now. 


    Remember that the current one was changed from June 15 some 30 years back, possibly taking into account each league having two post-season teams instead of one since 1969, and thus more teams in post-season contention.   That date change came out of the settlement of the 1985 MLB mini-strike in early August.


    Now though is a whole new world with three division winners in each league plus 2 WC teams from each league.


    I dream someday it will be like the NHL: 8 playoff teams in each league. 2 division series rounds, then the ALCS/NLCS, then WS.

  9. The scout that recommended him might want to look for other work, or even another line of work.


    He's probally hiding his head under his desk as we speak.

    His resume to apply for a 'Home Depot' manager position is on the desk too, where he thinks he will help them find young prospects to move up the Home Depot ladder.

  10. Kris Bryant. Mainly due to his age & years of cost control.


    If you got Trout CF & Bryant 3B. Much harder to develop a 3B or CF than Corner OF(Stanton) or 1B(Miggy).


    A great SS or 2B would be good

    but considering how many years we've had to watch 3B who can barely hit their own weight(Freese) or can't hit HRs(Figgins) has gotten old.

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