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Everything posted by katie

  1. I wish I had kept up with Japanese on Duolingo after my trip in 2018.
  2. He’s denying everything and claims he knew absolutely nothing. He’s speaking Japanese for those who were wondering.
  3. Lollll my friend who lives in Vegas worked for his management agency a few years ago and probably put the whole thing on.
  4. Speaking of Dodger fan behavior, this popped up on my Facebook memories the other day:
  5. Ippei Mizuhara, Shohei Ohtani's interpreter, has LA County ties. Here's what we know What the
  6. He’s using the Spanish interpreter for now so he pulled a “no hablo ingles” like Rendon.
  7. I am chatting with my friend who is at the game in South Korea. She said Ohtani got some boos
  8. I’m wondering if Ippei also didn’t really understand Shohei, and that’s how all of this happened.
  9. They don’t return to spring training though. The return home for their exhibition games.
  10. They are regular season. The scheduling is weird.
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