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Everything posted by sneaky_flute

  1. coca cola did. i think one could legally purchase cocaine until the 1920s as well
  2. dude pitched the entire game with a gigantic blister on his hand and was half amazing, half terrible. that's how good he is.
  3. angel stadium sees a mass exodus in the 7th inning every time the angels are losing and halos heaven is run by REV HALOFAN. maybe angelswin.com is the exception when it comes to awesome angel fans. your argument is that ranger fans put up with his behavior when he was hitting but things didn't exactly happen that way. i don't know what's worse. hamilton's personality disorder or your need to defend him.
  4. and they didn't boo him at the time. what's your point?
  5. uhhhhh he didn't really do anything objectionable during his tenure with texas until the middle of last season.
  6. i don't drink a lot of soda but i saw a 12-pack at the store and had to buy it. this is what i imagine soda from a 1920s pharmacy tasted like. anyone else a fan?
  7. who was responsible for getting all those hockey fans to show up to angel stadium? i love how you're convinced that those attendance trends are somehow unique to texas. at least people are showing up to games. when the marlins were good they played in empty stadiums. and i'm sorry but you can't sustain a rapport with the fans if you're tactless and act like a child. the behavior that caused fans to resent him is the same behavior that got him traded from cincinnati.
  8. 90s music sounds completely different from the music of previous eras. i'm not sure what you're looking for.
  10. i actually felt pretty bad when they started to boo him today. he admitted that it had a pretty big impact on him during the game. still, comparing himself to jesus in the post-game presser goes to show how narcissistic he is.
  11. lol what? there were about 2 bloop hits and the rest were line drives. there were also several line drives hit directly at fielders.
  12. dumb. the angels had a pretty weak schedule at the beginning of last year. plus, the rangers have to travel more for interdivisional games
  13. the daytime hitting issue came up in 2011 and he blamed it on his eye color. there was no difference between night and day hitting last year so he fixed whatever the problem was.
  14. i'm an agnostic atheist and i'm more christian than some of these clowns.
  15. oh, please. there's a considerable difference between condemning someone for his faith and thinking someone is a bad christian. you clearly don't understand context.
  16. dude, you're reaching. no one hates him because of his faith. in fact, that's why many people liked him. he's like that pastor who crossed out the gratuity at applebee's and got the waitress fired. he's just not a very good representative of christianity. being a good player doesn't give someone license to do or say whatever he wants. hamilton was many people's most beloved ranger for various reasons, but he exposed himself as a narcissistic weirdo, telling the media how he couldn't wait to test free agency, claiming he didn't owe the rangers anything (true or not, have some ****ing tact), and mailing it in at the end. you're defending a manchild who can't take responsibility for his own actions.
  17. no. miami/tampa bay/florida is not a baseball town anyway, i was annoyed by hamilton's comments about the fans but i got over it. players like cj wilson are looked upon more favorably because they don't disparage fans.
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