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Everything posted by pitnat

  1. interesting to see how other parts of the world see us... http://t.co/fOVlaP0fH1

  2. Gotta push harder. #minus40

  3. Teams, fans react to Boston newsSent with http://t.co/O9QoEi0jtf At Bat http://t.co/hxLLVAPMAN

  4. While you are worried about your 2nd amendment, the house just passed a bill to throw your 4th amendment right out the window. #CISPA

  5. Hope democrats resist federal $ for disaster relief in Texas like republicans resisted federal $ for sandy relief. #makingapoint

  6. "No loopholes anywhere for anyone" Wayne Lapierre http://t.co/3q4w4OyAJJ

  7. Bet the diamondbacks feel like they got ripped off in the @JUP_8TL trade. Dude is killin the ball. #Braves

  8. If Tiger doesn't hit the flag stick at 15 Friday, he's probably in the lead right now. #Masters

  9. At least the pros get a 10 sometimes too. #Masters

  10. Did @thejoshhamilton hit a home run? I wouldn't know because @MLBTV blacked me out when the Astros are never on in Austin anyways. Jerks

  11. Hate the fact that I live in the #Astros TV market. They are never on. But I'm still blacked out on MLB.tv. No #Angels game for me.

  12. Wow. #Angels already calling up guys who have 12 games in the minors and haven't played passed low A...

  13. So bummed I have to work during #Masters week.

  14. #Angels are doing so bad my tv doesn't want them in the screen any more http://t.co/qadFZAWyuV

  15. from Bill Shaikin .... "It's an hour before #Angels home opener and team website shows more than a few tickets available." he also notes he got a lot of "#baseballtown" responses
  16. North Korea has a missile they call #NoDong #truestory

  17. I stopped watchin on my xbox anyways and watch on my laptop because xbox is sometimes as much as a half inning behind... laptop is almost realtime.. Im not sure if roku is the same way..
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