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Posts posted by halobob

  1. That really sucks.


    I want the playoffs to be over already so we can find out what the Ducks will do.


    It may be blasphemy but I really hope Teemu retires.  I felt like he only showed up once every couple games.  I think Koivu may come back.  And I think Souray has an expiring contract too right?  They may not bring him back with Vetanen waiting in the wings.


    I would imagine Maroon will be on the squad next season and possibly Holland as well.

    I could be wrong but I think Souray signed a 3 year deal last off-season.  If Teemu comesback I think it will be for 4th line minutes and power play specialist.  If he is okay with that role I definitely want him back.

  2. So I'm getting pretty sick of cox only having 2 HD games at a time for the MLB, NHL, and NBA sports packages.  For the past few years it wasn't bad because the game I wanted to watch was usually on the HD channel but this year has been terrible luck on that.  When my buddy had xbox live I knew he could play all of the online sports packages through there.  I don't play video games so I have no need to waste money on an xbox live account. My question is if I buy a playstation will I be able to play mlb.tv and the NBA/NHL online packages through my playstation without paying a xbox live type monthly fee?  Are there any other options I have out there to play these packages through my TV?  Thanks guys!

  3. F THIS!  Just called my insurance broker because my health insurance was raised by $30/month.  She told me to stick it out and that I'm actually on the cheapest plan she can find for what I need.  And this is WITH a $6800 deductible.

    She told me she'd be calling in six months when the 'affordable health care act' goes into effect.  I said, "You mean 'Obamacare?'


    There was a short silence and I got the message:  She doesn't want to/can't call it that.


    But she did tell me no matter what, my rates will be going up in six months. 


    This f'ing program is going to cost me a grip of cash that I could spend on small businesses and porn.  And this is BEFORE it even goes into practice.  The broker told me she is taking seminars, webinars, etc. to figure out Obamacare (my term not hers) and she's very puzzled.  She's been in the business for decades so it's not like she doesn't speak the lingo.


    We are in for a terribly rude awakening since I have already decided that I'm not going to pay for insurance when the time comes.  And if I'm going to bail on paying for insurance, I can only guess how many other of my 300 million fellow legal countrymen will not pay for the scheme in the form of an insurance bill.  Put me in the penalty box and let every one else pay for me.  I can't afford affordable health care.

    Come on DR, we both know that it's only the small businesses that will suffer...your porn budget will remain the same.

  4. Its messy because whenever you ignore a problem for so long, you just delay the inevitable. I agree its gonna be a crapshow, but I DO like how the MLB has a stance on this kind of stuff, and even though its taking time, they're sticking to their guns. Even the Stankees with names like A-Rod.


    I like 100 game suspension off the bat, but 3 chances? No way. For me its 2: you get one then you're gone. But I will admit I'm a strict m**********r. 


    I can't even fathom doing this kind of stuff when I was playing ball in college. The thing that killed me was the politics, the talent was thrown out the window when it came to "who started." But even/if...why would a person possibly throw away their entire career if they have the skills? For some reason they sacrificed that opportunity to excel unnaturally, and risked being caught with this stuff!


    IMO the MLB is making this a moral issue; who in their right mind thinks doing this stuff is OK?


    And if you're going to use that precedent to draw a line, that's fine with me. 

    10's to 100's of millions of dollars

  5. And? There are threads all over the internet that have a lot of action in the off season.

    How do u think sites like fighton247.com exist or bruin report online survive. Ppl just dont talk about college fotball from August to January

    And this USC thread has 2 pages of trolls. We're always on your mind i love it. I can give 2 shits what UCLA is doing until the week they play, but you guys are kinda obsessed with USC

    Looks like u gave a couple of shits about UCLA signing Eddie V.

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