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Everything posted by Lifetime

  1. Ya that's what I said... The school over reacted and now you're over reacting about the dad complaining. Equally inane reasoning. Well done.
  2. Bottom line, they made it an issue when it never should have been. They called to tell them the cupcakes couldn't be served, why because they over reacted and made an issue out of nothing. The dad appropriately bitched about their stupidity.
  3. So what if there was an outside chance some parent(s) would complain about the green army men? Tell them they're being ridiculous and move on. They could have put forth the same amount of effort explaining away their actions if someone complained just as they did with their decision to remove them. They decided the army men were inappropriate and in part tied that to the recent school shooting which is absolutely inane. It's stupid and lines up with a lot of similarly over reactions made by schools in recent years. The father should complain. Of course he is the one drawing attention to it. Why would the school do it? It was innocuous and the school over reacted.
  4. There is zero potential for a lawsuit here. That's a ridiculous argument. There are no grounds for a lawsuit. The school made a big deal out of nothing and the dad called them on it.
  5. Yes but that has nothing to do with thinking middle of the field. If he's thinking middle of the field he lays off those. It's just a bad pitch selection decision on his part.
  6. You're right, it isn't a big deal until the school turned it into one. It was an inane decision on their part.
  7. That's not an excuse for chasing though. He should be thinking middle right or middle left depending on location.
  8. Callaspo did not hit well last year either. He has his best numbers hitting in the lower half so I am not sure why that would affect him hitting out of character. I hope he gets it together but I am a little concerned at this point.
  9. exactly which has been basically my argument in support of Kendrick when the annual and inevitable Howie has been a disappointment threads come around.
  10. and if that is all you're seeing here, you're not paying attention. You're not paying perfect attention or anything close if that's your perspective. And I'm never angry here. But I can't say the same about you.
  11. You don't pay attention then. Not surprised.
  12. lol why would I get warned or banned for supporting Scioscia with sound reasoning against your (or anyone else's for that matter) incessant negative rants?
  13. Well they both use round balls
  14. I don't. I see the same flawed logic you usually rely on.
  15. Aybar Kendrick Callaspo Bourjos Ianetta Bourjos moves update the list if he gets to hittin
  16. Another thing to consider is that not only would he be hitting ahead of Pujols, but he is followed by Hamilton and Trumbull all 3 of which provide big power ability.
  17. They represent WWII soldiers who are considered real American heroes so yes.
  18. and other studies have varied results on the subject of protection and a lot of that can be attributed to what kind of hitters both the leader and the followerare In this example, Kendrick followed by Pujols, Kendrick is going to have to be disciplined to lay off the down and away pitch or he's not going to see more pitches in the zone. And I should mention that I don't necessarily think he will get a higher or significantly higher FB% per AB, but I would expect him to see more pitches in the zone - again if he can show improved discipline.
  19. Provide facts proving your assertion that pitchers never change their approach to a hitter with the threat of a basher following them. And Cabrera is an unlikely type of hitter that would get an approach adjustment no matter who is batting behind him.
  20. Which is weird in light of Langston just commenting on how Howie hitting ahead of Pujols would likely see more pitches in the zone. Ah but what does he know about how pitchers approach situations.
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