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Everything posted by Jeremiah

  1. You really aren’t making any sense. Perhaps you can try arguing on the the actual merits. Everyone always wants something better? Than the reservation? As @ukyahsaid, don’t argue about things you clearly know nothing about, or ar unwilling to learn about.
  2. Maybe they can offer him the Bobby Bonilla deal?
  3. I would agree with this. I think 2020 is going to be a year when players aren't going to mess around with shorter deals or lower salaries because there's a lot of payroll uncertainty. Combine that with how MLB has cooled the FA market the past few years, and I think Bauer is going to want his money. I doubt he'll perform to a five-year deal, but that's the going rate in FA. I'd rather the Angels had him than not.
  4. @Blargalready has the mascot and the nickname. We settle on team colors, get some focus groups together, and we can have this all worked out for CLE before Opening Day.
  5. Speaking of mental gymnastics, you must be exhausted after jumping to that conclusion, plus the various straw men, and the ad hominems (That means attacking the messenger without addressing the message). You have put on a clinic on logical fallacies here today.
  6. I like that Walleye idea. There is a minor league hockey team in Toledo that uses it, but I think it would be a great idea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo_Walleye
  7. From Baseball Reference: A crosschecker is a type of scout whose main function is to provide a second opinion on the reports filed by primarily-level scouts on players. Crosscheckers can be assigned a regional territory, or work at the national level. Typically, crosscheckers will concentrate on seeing potential early-round prospects for the amateur draft or players which may be targeted in a trade, to ensure that reports an organization has on them match their own evaluation. https://www.baseball-reference.com/bullpen/Crosschecker
  8. Thanks, @T.G.I am always willing to help a friend drink some fine wine.
  9. And what seems to get lost in that stupid-ass argument is the fact that it was the right of the native people of this land to determine their own fate. It was not the right of the Europeans to determine that for them.
  10. You're right, of course. Native Americans don't say that at all about life on a reservation. I mean, where am I coming up with this? http://www.nativepartnership.org/site/PageServer?pagename=naa_res_main
  11. Way to not address anything AJ said in his post. But you are at least honest in your tacit admission that you don't care to know that life on a reservation is really like. Casinos are also a bit of an issue. Native Americans have one of the highest rates of gambling addiction, yet gaming is one of the few industries where Native American entrepreneurs and make a successful business. https://www.stlpublicradio.org/projects/fixed-odds/for-native-americans-tribal-casinos-help-and-hurt/#:~:text=A portion of the gaming,how many is not clear.
  12. Strawman. That's not to topic of this discussion. If you'd like to begin that thread in the Spin forum, by all means. And how do you know that no one cares about that? Clearly you do, so others likely do as well. Yes, they are still being marginalized. The "land" given to them is often shitty, and devoid of any real industrial opportunities, usually with no connection at all to their historical homelands. They have almost no political access or power, both of which are required to enact real change. Again, the people who did that to them are also profiting off of their cultural symbols. And then have the gall to say it's honoring them.
  13. Hey, man. Don't get yourself hurt over the message board.
  14. There is a stunning amount of privilege in that comment. I am well aware of the history America has with treating immigrants. It is an amazing historical irony since 30% of the people in the US can trace their family history to Ellis Island (but I don't know my history). That said, you talk about the plight of the Irish in the 20th century, while referencing a team name that was adopted before the turn of the century, while then essentially saying it's cool for rich white Americans to continue marginalizing Native Americans because it is what it is.
  15. You'll note that AJ was saying that stuff didn't happen in America at the behest of the US government. Your family found a safe home in America. The Native Americans had theirs stolen away. That's the difference.
  16. The Irish certainly are, and for good reason. None of that has anything to do with how Americans treated Native Americans. Here. In America. Again, apples to oranges.
  17. Perhaps the Angels wouldn't like that. I mean, they kind of have the best fish-named players in recent history, and therefore the best fish-related marketing opportunities for now.
  18. You could not have a more apples to oranges comparison if you tried. If you look at Notre Dame's history, one of the popular theories is the name came from a university president who was Irish and a Civil War vet, literally a fighting Irishman. Notre Dame is a Catholic university. Catholicism has a long history with the Irish people. And as AJ said, the Irish weren't systematically wiped out by European invaders who later appropriated their cultural norms in order to package them and sell them to other white people. You should write to those Native Americans who wrote those articles and tell them just how not harmful racial stereotypes are.
  19. It would certainly be ignorant to assume that the changes for CLE, and even WAS in the NFL, aren’t motivated by the ability to sell new brands and tons of new merchandise. Their brands are losing sponsors and value. So they change. The right thing can be done for the “wrong” reasons.
  20. Both of you, classic attacking of the messenger rather than addressing the message. And Kevin adds in a strawman about SJW's. The argument has nothing to do with that. Incredibly lazy takes. So, all of the research studies and articles that can be easily found here (https://www.ncai.org/proudtobe), explaining why these stereotypes are harmful, were written by white people or SJWs?
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