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Posts posted by mrwicked

  1. id be down for them to make a move at the deadline, ala brad may from the cup year.

    someone who is just a badass but also can skate and produce a little.

    energy spark, grit guy, etc. 

    we're much more disciplined than years back but i miss the big, bad ballers where we would literally beat up the other team if need be.

    the playoffs are going to be a dog fight.

    granted our PK is garbage so we need to stay out of the box as much as possible.

  2. This was the 2nd best game I've ever been to. (1st is game 5 of the 07 west semis against Vancouver) Honda Center was ROCKIN. It was about a 50/50 split Ducks/Blackhawks fans. Everyone was into this game. The loudest I've ever heard it. It definitely lived up to the hype. I absolutely lost it when Bobby scored the tying goal. They played like crap in the 2nd and half of the 3rd, but this team just refuses to lose. They find a way to win no matter what. I love this team and we get Perry back on Friday! Also got to see lhalo at the game. Nice seeing you, bud. 


    im jealous you were there. i read it was the largest crowd ever at honda center.

    was a blast to watch on the tube.

  3. yeah i agree.

    like ive said for a few years the kings were due to get to a championship window, i just didnt expect it to happen last year.

    my view was as long as lombardi doesnt blow it up and jettison the kids theyll be OK in a few years.

    i like the kings, i love anze and i especially love that they got both the philly big guns and won with them.

    but last year was insane cinderella. they played out of their gords come playoff time.


    cant knock em though, good for them.

    love that you guys won it before the sharks. 

  4. yep.

    although the kings team that won the cup was arguably the worst team in the last 20 years to win it all (maybe behind carolina).

    that was a total cinderella fluke. 

    not that they arent/werent talented, but no way were they the best team or even in the top third.


    but they, thats the playoffs sometimes.

    good for them.

  5. lol.

    dont feel bad, even if if you got it you would be mocked at the country club.

    the article says there is going to be a 110" one coming next.

    real ballers go for that one.

    ima have to check my loveseat too i think there are a couple dimes in there.

  6. yeah, it wasnt necessarily being cheap it was being smart.

    while detroit and philly and those idiots were tossing out 10-12 year deals to go around the CBA, we were able to keep getz, perry and ryan for $5m-$6m a piece for 5 year terms.

    and basically rebuild on the fly.

    that was brilliant.


    how many teams can lose two first ballot HOF defenseman back to back and stay elite?

    pretty crazy.

  7. yeah i cant stand watching LCD/LED these days especially for sports.

    it looks so strange, even the top of the line.

    looks like a home video or soap opera.


    sucks that plasmas are just too much money to produce.

    like i said panny is killing their plasma unit.

  8. It wasn't that acclaimed.  It only scored a 78% from movie critics at RottenTomatoes and it failed at the box-office.  This is one of those movies that movie snobs claim to be great, but it really isn't.  It joins movies like Eyes Wide Shut and so on.



    Edited to say:  Of course, to each their own.  I dig Malick enough that I saw this movie in theaters it second or third week out, but it was a total disappointment.


    eyes wide shut is awesome.

    one of my fav films of all time. 

  9. yeah panny makes great plasma. their top line are on par with pioneer, and cheaper.

    definitely go that route vs sammy.

    samsung is good with LCD but i wouldnt get a plasma from them. 

  10. i can help you guys build - what are your diet and lifting routines now?


    I wouldn't worry about supplements too much off the bat - they are pointless if your routine is not in place. 

    You can build lean mass via lifting and without supplements but you can't build lean mass via supplements and without lifting. 


    a few primary things:

    1) it wont happen over night, you have to have a long window here, so start small and get the form locked down. there are lots of little stabilizer muscles you have to train, without those you cant train the bigger ones 

    2) you will eventually need to lift heavy (with proper form) but don't ignore the value of proper rest/recovery (this is when protein synthesis happens, ie muscle building, not when you're lifting)

    3) aim for real, natural foods (and lots of it) 

    4) stick to stacey q on the headphones and as much neon as you can wear

  11. I agree, the only game this year where I thought the Ducks were not the better team on the ice was against the Blackhawks.  Should be really fun playoffs this year (especially if we meet the Kings in the playoffs finally, that would just be an epic showdown)!


    they looked like crap the first home game too vs the canucks.

    but it just seemed like they were too hyped for it, same thing when we destroyed them at their home opener.

  12. Jeff if you think hockey has too many stoppages how do you watch any other sport thats not soccer?


    Wicked- I don't know if sign and trades are legal in the NHL, I thought I remember a rule where if you sign a guy you can't trade him for a year (I could definitely be wrong about this but for some reason that rule is in my head).  I just don't think a team like Anaheim who rarely spends to the cap can afford to lose Perry for nothing.  For the 1st 12 games of the season Perry only had 1 goal and 5 assists and the Ducks did pretty well.  If they keep winning the next 3 games without him (especially against the competition we are playing) I could definitely see him being moved.  However, what I would like to see is Perry locked up long term before the trade deadline, then trade Bobby Ryan in the offseason to free up come cap room.  I just don't see Perry signing before hitting free agency.


    sign and trades are definitely allowed under the new CBA.

    but the perry situation is tricky. you cant claim to all about winning but then trade your top line winger at the deadline. winning the cup is such a big deal and pays dividends for years (marketing, etc) that one can argue its worth the risk.

    but, losing your top line winger for nothing in the offseason, especially if we dont win the cup is hard to swallow.


    at this point its up to him.

    they have the money to give him getzlaf contract. 

    i dont know why folks are so open to trading bobby ryan though, hes got probably the best hands on the team and it so fun to watch.

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