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Posts posted by mrwicked

  1. smart move going plasma. interesting timing too because panasonic is going to kill its plasma line soon. 

    just like pioneer.

    theyre just too expensive to make.


    sad too because LCDs suck compared.


    i have a pioneer elite plasma, the KURO, and its still flat out amazing. 

  2. none of those things are new though, thats what im saying.

    the legit sIV improvements are all hardware based (other than the design/shell which is tacky and cheap), which is definitely cool and burly but nothing earth shattering.

    all those software parts are already done by legit players, and if samsung tries to half-ass mimic them it risks sending itself to an early grave by moving away from what it does best.

    thats not innovation.


    but again who knows, just my thoughts. 

    its all about ecosystem and apps these days. hardware is already commoditized. 

  3. phone definitely seems nice, but nothing earth shattering (specs mean little when it comes to mobile success) and the market let out of a big "meh", sending AAPL up $11 today (its still so amazingly cheap and wont be for long).

    the hardware here is great, but the problem i see is samsung trying to push out a bunch of unnecessary software.

    and samsung sucks at software.

    they have been doing well because of really nice hardware covering the entire range of price points (most of their "sales" are the cheap phones they basically give away, which is why apple might sell less units but dominates wrt profits because their margins are insane). 

    samsung trying to expand its reach into software could easily lead them astray if they dont know what theyre doing (which theyve never really shown they do, and most of these new "features" are getting luke warm reviews).

    stuff like gesture control, tilt scrolling, health apps, etc come off like gimics when they arent done to perfection.

    the screen looks rad tho. 


    mobile space is fun right now. 

    gonna be interesting when samsung moves off android and onto tizen full time, and google releases the X phone.

    then of course comes new wave of iphones with total jony ive controlled stack and likely legit wireless zone charging and fingerprint detection (bye bye the those stupid lock keypads).


    zack morris phones are still the best tho.

  4. What I don't get about a lot of these guys listed, as well as a lot of the lotto winners etc. is let's say you have a $50M lump sum (be it life savings from baseball or a lotto payment) -- why not keep just keep 10% of that ($5M) in assorted banks and low-risk mutual funds as a fall-back, and only invest 90% of your money instead of 100% in the dicey high risk/reward business ventures? That way worst case you still have more than enough money in reserve to maintain a decent living for many years without having to work.


    I don't get why someone not living paycheck to paycheck wouldn't keep a comfortable buffer of cash or other liquid assets in case of just such an outcome. 


    because a) these are mostly poor inner city kids who are now flush with legit wealth overnight, b ) they assume its going to keep coming in forever, c) they are surrounded by leaches the second they show abnormal talent, etc etc etc.

  5. Crosby was with Iginla the whole tourney. I have a feeling that since Iggy has declined...Nash might be playing with Crosby in next years olympics. We'll see.


    those two did play together in 2010 a few times, it was sick.

    they did crosby/nash/richards.

    but yeah it was mostly crosby/staal/iginla but also remember bergeron was on sid's line a couple times. 

    sochi is gonna be fun.

  6. If we win these 4 games without Perry does that make him more likely to be traded?  BS he got 4 games in this short season, I would've understood 2 but was really expecting nothing with how few suspensions have been handed out this year.



    there is no way they trade perry.

    i'll put money on the line - $3.

    you dont have a season like this, with a primo shot at the cup, and trade away your top line winger.

    sure we might lose him for nothing, but thats a risk you take.

    winning is what matters.

    if anything they can try and do a sign and trade, since we can sign for 8 years and others can only do 7. 

  7. Wicked, use the mobile version on your tablet and phone if it's a pain. I use the full version on my tablet, but only mobile version on my Samsung Galaxy III even though it can handle the full version, just looks and flows better on the mobile version. 


    i dont mean the site itself is a pain; the mobile version is fine.

    i just mean entering data on phone/tablet is a pain because of the keyboards. so i just read and dont post when im not at my laptop.

  8. what's up babes?

    pack up your rape culture and take a hike!

    you want a brew-dog?

    we're not interested in your penis.

    wait wait.. i think he's offering us a beer. Yes... we would like a beer.


    so it's like.. if you're nice to them.. they bring you things?


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