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Everything posted by St1ck

  1. Keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better.
  2. Conservatives just aren't creative. That's why they stick to country music.
  3. O.J. Simpson, not a Jew But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew, he converted
  4. Shawn Green hit 4 home runs in one game.
  5. I can't believe they inserted politics into punk rock. Is nothing sacred?
  6. Tank orders his street tacos minus the meat and tortillas.
  7. I love that you thought you were being edgy and cool with that insult when it's actually the lyrics right before. "Well, maybe I'm the faggot, America"
  8. Fox News apologizes for listing White Sox legend Frank Thomas as dead in their 'In Memoriam' https://sports.yahoo.com/fox-news-apologizes-for-listing-white-sox-legend-frank-thomas-as-dead-in-their-in-memoriam-234814878.html Fox News issued an apology Friday after including Chicago White Sox legend Frank Thomas, who remains "very much" alive and well, in their "In Memoriam" segment earlier that morning.
  9. Disregarding votes and inserting fake electors obviously is though.
  10. One thing you left out is while January 6th was happening Trump called Tuberville asking him to delay the certification of the votes.
  11. So "the optics" is a reason to disregard the Constitution? Trump is going to play the victim card regardless. His feelings don't get to dictate law.
  12. They probably won't. Hell the wife of Clarence Thomas was a part of it.
  13. It doesn't though and your analogy is terrible.
  14. Trying to shoehorn whatabouts is not a defense for Trump's actions.
  15. It doesn't require a conviction.
  16. Trump has no one blame but himself. Fuck him. I'm glad he's being held accountable for his actions.
  17. Recordings, emails show how Trump team flew fake elector ballots to DC in final push to overturn 2020 election | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/28/politics/recordings-trump-team-fake-elector-ballots/index.html CNN has obtained audio of Chesebro’s recent interview with Michigan investigators, and exclusively reported earlier this month that he also told them about a December 2020 Oval Office meeting where he briefed Trump about the fake electors plan and how it ties into January 6.
  18. That's sad. Sounds like he could use a trip to Lego Land to help clear his head.
  19. The holiday season can be stressful. Hopefully you can take some time this New Year's weekend and reflect on how you choose to interact with people, and make an effort to avoid sudden outbursts of rage. Apology accepted.
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