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Posts posted by MikeArm

  1. This MikeArm is an 82 year old, frustrated Angel fan since day 1 in 1961. I’m old and grumpy with little patience anymore. (Hey! get off my grass!)

    I might have 5 or 6 summers left in this life so I’d like to see us win more often. I don’t think Arte Morono and Perry Mistaken are going to do it for me.

    I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

  2. I seldom post but I don’t care about standings, games behind, etc. this is the only math that I need:

    Win 15 games per month and lose 12 per month - Year end 90 -72 and we’re in the playoffs more often than not.

    So month end April 15 Ws / May 30 Ws / June 45 Ws and so on. So here we are month end May with 27 Ws so next month have to win 18 and lose only 9. You can see where this is going I’m sure.

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