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Brian Ilten

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Posts posted by Brian Ilten

  1. Then you should have said so. Replying to someone's post makes them think you are replying to them, especially when using the singular "you" in the response. The implied language and excessive use of question marks and exclamation points only further leads to a defensive reaction from the person you replied to.



    No offense, but I was posting on message boards when you were in diapers.  I don't need any lessons from you.  Thanks!

  2. The reason for $10 beers is because that is the price enough people are willing to pay for them. It is the "market price."



    If you honestly think the astronomical prices of anything at the stadium doesn't have something to do with what the players are being paid and that it is all "market price", you understand nothing about economics. 

  3. Easy there Tiger. Step down from the ledge. I was just making the general point that everyone's velocity was down and that making a big deal out of Weaver after that one start that affected everybody might be a little rush to judgment.


    Just like your post was.



    You read that entirely wrong if you think that was directed at you personally - "Tiger".  It was directed at everyone who was wondering why anyone's velocity would be down yesterday.

  4. Thank you for the BDay wishes.  I always get what I want for my birthday as it coincides with Opening Week 99% of the time.  But to have Opening Day and an AngelsWIN is the best!  Only other day that has happened was back in 1998 when we beat the Angels beat the Wankees at home in the newly renovated Edison Field.


    Yesterday was long.  But well worth the wait!

  5. I enjoyed watching Figgins when he was an Angel but I've also never looked back.


    Same -- I didn't mind losing Lackey either, although, I didn't think he would crater the way he has.....


    "Never look back" has and will continue to be my mantra until everyone from the 02 team is off the field. 

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