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nothing, Nothing

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Everything posted by nothing, Nothing

  1. i was literally just describing what's happening in the videos ... how is that defending them? and how is anyone going to come to a conclusion if they're sticking their head in the sand on any information that goes against the narrative , getting information from both sides is the only way to figure out what's really happening
  2. i wonder how many of them are now trying to get me banned lol .... actual on the ground video news/updates and real free speech i guess isn't their thing , they seemed to get triggered pretty easily by both
  3. not defending them at all , i've stated multiple times the killing of innocent israeli civilians is absolutely wrong and hamas is stupid to do it , if they're looking at it as a war it should be soldier vs soldier and never anything more ... i'm just showing actual on the ground vids ... i know you all love you get your news told to you via a teleprompter reading broadcaster with very little to no actual proof , sorry that's not me i like to get my news from actual on the ground video proof
  4. lol i have nothing against arab peoples or jewish peoples , quite like both of them a lot actually ... i do however think israel gov is quite possibly the largest terror group on earth ... american military industrial complex of course near or at the top as well
  5. hamas guy says ''look at the compassion in our hearts, here are the children, we don't kill them like you kill the children'' yes the camera is on but if you go to tiktok you can find dozens and dozens of these vids from dozens and dozens of hamas outfits treading the vast majority of the settlers humanly ... seems like each small outfit has a camera man with them as they go through the cities ... can only guess once it's all over they'll be releasing a whole lot of vids of them interacting with the israeli settlers that they come across that will counter what israel has been accusing them of bibi on the other side has now killed over 500 innocent palestinian children on pace for 1000 by the middle of next week , f'n guy and his whole gov truly are psychopaths f9WRpbl7kxPvRXiA.mp4
  6. so i provide proof of why people are saying the pic has been altered after you were the one complaining in multiple replies that the AI detection websites are BS , and this is your response lol! the good ol if all else fails throw out the conspiracy accusations , textbook Zio move
  7. the lower square within the circle has been the main thing people are pointing at, you can see a hazy white box that looks unnatural seems like a digital edit or add in ... either way there should be more than one pic for proof , if hamas has been killing tons of children and women isreal should have the photos and be releasing them ... maybe they're collecting all of them and waiting to release them all at once i don't know that's def a possibility too ... just makes them look bad in killing 400+ palestinian children without releasing tons of proof of what hamas has done
  8. uh duh don't you know because god gave them that land
  9. which parts of what he said do you disagree with or think he's lying about?
  10. gaza is not the west there's not a bunch of different ways to get out of the area ... the location in the video is one of the only ways out of gaza and not sure if you noticed the giant missal strike that hit right next to the loading and unloading ... and true you can not see what the missal actually struck but god damn that sure is a huge coincidence to strike right there ... why would bibi even be targeting that area if this is a known location where people are trying to get out?
  11. ben shapiro getting raked over the coals all day today for him finally providing proof of hamas killing a child (which he has been saying for days) , but the pic was found out to be AI generated ... and now of course it was 4chan who found the original photo and it was a cute puppy
  12. bibi tells them to leave but then has been bombing their exits ... if it wasn't for tiktok none of this would of ever seen the light of day , crazy how tiktok has become such a news source for on the ground vids UETDQUcYDB-Mlkd0.mp4
  13. damn that was quick the 40 number started circulating only 3 - 4 days ago ... was that a youtube ad? or tv ad? if it was youtube you'd think they have a lengthy screening process before the ad actual starts showing up on vids right? i guess if it was tv or streaming the process is much quicker though
  14. curious what time frame were you in the middle east fighting?
  15. but even with that report it still could possibly be true and possibly biden has seen a picture , anything is possible without actual proof ... the 40 children number is a bit ridiculous , and i think that same guy also said they beheaded dogs which makes absolutely no sense and it seems he's a little bit nuts ... i will stand by that it's more than likely made up until actual real evidence is provided QhR2WhsVbKcLI0Ex.mp4
  16. this is the latest i'm seeing ... https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/11/beheaded-israeli-babies-settler-wipe-out-palestinian/ i mean if it's real and the pics are there then release them so the world can see , they could of as easily beheaded a dead child after the fact anyway , so it wouldn't be hard of either side to have done it personally i think hamas is stupid to kill women and children , i've seen videos of them releasing women and children but that was one single group of hamas fighters , i'm sure there's other hamas members who are out there killing anyone they come across and that shit is dumb and of course its wrong ... it's not going to help their cause in any way only hurt it but it's just the result of a cycle of violence ... just imagine yourself living in a apartheid state for 18 - 30 years and maybe a close family member of yours was killed unjustly or justly , how would you feel and react ... this is exactly what's happening on the opposite side israelis see other israelis getting killed and it makes them want to kill the other side no matter if its kids and women ... it's just a complete fucked situation that has no end
  17. If you're talking about the best in the middle east Syria has the most and are treated/protected the best ... Also he likes baseball so it's a win win for Christians ... Still can't understand why so many people in the west hate Syria and Assad , guy is no joke one of the best and most rational leaders in all the world
  18. I can see where that is officially true in more recent times and def not disagreeing with you but I'm more in the thinking that historically we have hieroglyphs during Ramesses III reign in 1150 BCE referencing them (Prst/Peleset) ... and then again the Assyrians mentioning them in 800 BCE (Philistia) and finally it was the Greek philosophers in 300's BCE who first used Palestine and Palestinians when speaking about them ... Alexander The Great himself naming one of the small cities Palestine during his conquest of that area
  19. lol! Just a reminder it was the Palestinians who welcomed with open arms the Jewish people to return to the Palestine area during and after WW2 ... Should of read through a little of their history and all of their (800+) banishments and try to convince the UK to tell them to F off back to where they came from eastern Europe and Russia ... I guess probably wouldn't of mattered since most of the deal to send them to Palestine was financed from the Warburgs and Rothchilds with the stipulation that Israel was to become a small scattered nation shortly after the war
  20. you would think the media would get confirmation before blasting it everywhere but that's not how media works anymore ... also cell phones and war time photographers do exist so if true the pics of these beheaded children should be floating around on tiktok/4chan/gore websites/& other leaked websites
  21. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israeli-army-says-it-does-not-have-confirmation-about-allegations-that-hamas-beheaded-babies-/3014787
  22. direct message from hamas .. and for reference the al-aqsa mosque situation which took place 6 days ago
  23. The men _____________________ The bananas _________________ The elephant _________________ if you get it ......... then you get it 1686430366958686.webm
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