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Everything posted by TSD

  1. Given how good the Astros look to be for years to come, I think this is a terrible idea.
  2. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/breaking-parking-tickets-prove-stephen-paddock-mandalay-bay-sept-25th-3-days-feds-say-arrived/ FBI still claiming he checked in on the 28th when clearly he was already there on the 25th. Nothing conspiratorial about this, the fact is they are lying. Wake up.
  3. Ah yes the old "everyone I disagree with is stupid" fallacy. Weak sauce. I bet the conspiratards are still smarter than the sheep that buy the BS the media and gov feed us. I'm somewhere in the middle but lean towards not buying the official story. I tested 138 IQ on the MENSA entrance exam, 2200 on my SAT, and went to Stanford for my grad degree. Tell me how much smarter you are again? Besides, all those measures of intelligence are one dimensional. I work with people from top schools that have no common sense and couldn't change a tire to save their lives.
  4. Shooting blindly? He was shooting at a lit up target at night. Even a cheap red dot scope would do. You're not talkign about precision marksmanship here, it was a crowd of 20k. When's the last time you shot a gun? You seem to have more opinions than knowledge.
  5. What do you call a smart blonde? Golden retriever. Three women are about to be executed for crimes. One's a brunette, one's a redhead, and one's a blonde. Two guards brings the brunette forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ." Suddenly the brunette yells, "earthquake!!" Everyone is startled and looks around. She manages to escape. The angry guards then bring the redhead forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ." The redhead then screams, "tornado!!" Yet again, everyone is startled and looks around. She too escapes execution. By this point, the blonde has figured out what the others did. The guards bring her forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She also says no, and the executioner shouts, Ready . . . Aim . . ." The blonde shouts, "fire!!"
  6. A baby seal walks into a club.....
  7. NRA calling for a review (ban) on bump stocks. Interesting.
  8. Listen to the gunfire at the beginning of the video vs the distant gunfire around the 45 second mark. Huge difference in apparent distance and volume. Also look at the flash at 4:55-515. That ain't coming from the 32nd floor. Either it's a strobe of some sort or if it's muzzle flash we're being fed a line of bs. If you want to hear a real far out theory, there's documents online that seem to show that his gf's sponsor for immigration was a guy named Carl W. Ford, a CIA guy. The food receipt shows 2 guests in his room were ordered for, too much food for 1 guy and 2 drinks ordered. Receipt also says "table" number was 32125...his floor and room number. IRD, in room dining. Who was up there with him? What's this second person the police are alluding to? Lady told people at the concert they would die soon. Whatever the case I think there's more to come.
  9. Your obsession with Trout is downright creepy. Face it he hasn't done good under pressure so far in his career. It's a pattern with him at this point. Terrible in the playoffs, if he had tore it up you wouldn't be screaming small sample size. His performance in high leverage situations this season barely exceeded that of Albert. Terrible September this year but as soon as they were officially out of it he had a great couple games. If you look at his career numbers his OPS peaks in June, goes down in July, then lower yet in August, and his worst month is September. That's a six year average, not a "small sample size". That's a definite trend at this point. Hopefully he outgrows this. But it can no longer be denied. He's choking until he proves otherwise.
  10. I don't disagree on the ridiculousness of it being legal but a couple points: It's a legal device at the moment and the manufacturer isn't liable if someone uses it for illegal means. A car can kill but you can't sue Toyota if some idiot runs your family down maliciously. This was not its intended use, from a legal standpoint. You would have a very hard time proving that this device was responsible for the death of your particular family member. A semi auto can put a lot of bullets downrange without one. I personally think abortion and serving alcohol to people when you know they are likely to drive home are terrible ideas, and many more lives have been taken because of these activities. Part of freedom is tolerating things you don't agree with at times. Part of a civilized society is pursuing legal means to change things you disagree with. I'm sure these devices will be illegal soon enough.
  11. Only so I can see the Indians humiliate them.
  12. They would have to be complete morons to. By any measure, Sanchez and Judge are worth more to a team than Trout alone. Not to mention they will make a combined 1/30th of what Trout will next year.
  13. 8.2 WAR as a rookie, will make over 30 million LESS than Trout, and so far doesn't suck in the playoffs or September. Do it. Spend the extra 30 mil and Stanton or JD Martinez too. Trout has been underwhelming when it counts, time and again.
  14. This. Upton has a history of being very inconsistent. He had a great year but he's had plenty of mediocre ones. Plus he's a terrible defender, seems like his mind is in outer space half the time.
  15. Judge 2-4 with a walk, a HR, 3 runs and 2 RBI's in the WC game. Not bad for a rookie.
  16. A lot of it stinks. Sure looks like gunfire coming from the 4th or 5th floor. The flashes are in time with the sound, delayed due to distance just like you'd think. Guy has zero criminal or mental health history. He owned at least one plane, and had material to improvise explosives. You'd do a lot more damage and be far more sensational by loading it up and flying it into something. Clearly he was intent on max damage, and given his background I'd say he was no dummy (different from being nuts). But maybe that can all be explained away. The picture sure looks like him and his gal at the anti Trump rally. Whoever shot up a country concert certainly was targeting conservatives. Maybe his wife radicalized him. I don't trust the gov to ever tell us that even if they found it out. Maybe he had a bad gambling streak and decided to go out in a big (yet horrible) way. His dad was nuts, maybe he inherited some bad mental health and was good at hiding it.
  17. All the facts in the world won't convince a dyed in the wool liberal. They operate on emotions and when proven wrong either swear at you, call you a nazi, a racist, or some combination of the above. When someone says their is no leftist media bias I mentally dismiss them. Fox news is the one and only mainstream right wing network and not a fan of them either. Tell me the facts, I'll form my own opinions. Oddly enough RT is probably about the most factual news station. Who would have ever thought it would come to that?
  18. That's a great compilation of WHY Trump won. Not because people like him so much. But because they are sick of self appointed elitists telling them what's best for them and how they should think. Funny, most of these "elitists", especially the Hollywood types, are as sharp as bowling balls and their lives are moral cesspools. I went to a top university and the so called elite liberals there have ZERO real world accomplishments. Never ran a business, never created one job, never invented anything, never helped anyone but themselves. I got the paper I needed and never looked back. Say you are an average southern white redneck type. You grow up with few financial advantages, parents don't send you to college, then you spend the rest of your life being brow beaten by the media about how "advantaged" and racist you are, when in reality you see a large chunk of your hard earned wages go to illegal invaders, deadbeats, and then are told how all the world's problems are your fault. No wonder they're pissed off. I saw an article the other day that Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and some other idiot were chiming in on gun control again. Those type need to wake up. They're absolute trash with no morals, no brains, and they want to weigh in and tell US how to live all the while having their own 24/7 armed security details. Trump will win again in 2020, not that I'm particularly excited about that, but the dems continue to dig their own graves.
  19. I would love to see if he really was a convert. Or is it just more Obama coined "workplace violence"?
  20. I've shot bump fire and watched experienced people do it. At one point in one of the videos you see the bullets sweep in a straight line side to side.. At that range with a bump fire, no way., you'd be all over the place. At some points you hear a varying rates of fire but at others it's very constant. I'd venture he had at least one illegally modified full auto. You can tell because the rate of fire is quite a bit slower than a true full auto. Plus an illegally modified gun dumps the whole clip even if you let off the trigger, and that is exactly what happens. No pause. Go to youtube and listen to a truly automatic AK or M16 and you'll see what I mean. No doubt they will use this to ban that style stock. Fine with me, I see no use for it besides causing trouble. My range banned them ASAP when they came out.
  21. The swearing really doesn't do much to make your point seem more credible, quite the opposite. Not impressing anyone. Anyways. Study after study has shown that the media is biased towards liberal viewpoints, and reporters are on average quite a bit to the left. Have you ever lived anywhere besides California? I've lived in 5 states and most of the country is NOT liberal. Members of the media went so far as to give Hillary the debate questions ahead of time. I didn't like either candidate but that's downright scary. Hello Pravda. As far as Obama race baiting, you're living in lala land. He sent three representatives to the funeral of Michael Brown but none to Chris Kyle's. Three to Freddie Gray's but Margaret Thatcher, one of our strongest allies since WW2, yeah he sent no one. He is the most racist President in history. Honored drug dealing scumbags over soldiers and allies, all based on race. Even criticized his own grandmother for being "white". Used the IRS to attack conservative groups. I don't know anyone who didn't like him because he's (half) black. The average person didn't like him because he was a liar, added more debt to our country than EVERY President before him combined, made snide comments about anyone who disagreed with him, and in general was a do nothing bum who let other world leaders walk all over him. The only people "responsible"for Trump being elected are the idiot dems, who illegally sabotaged Sanders, and tried to force the evil sociopath Hillary down our throats. I'm glad it blew up in their face.
  22. Just stop. Once again, you are making it up as you go. There is no legal way to convert a gun to full auto. No permit. Nada. If someone sold it to him it was a federal crime.
  23. Don't try to preemptively deny the truth. The MSM is in the bag for the dems and the way they pandered to Obama and Hillary was revolting to anyone with a lick of common sense. I don't like Trump either but the race baiter Obama did more to divide this country than anyone in my lifetime. I wonder if the shooter used some of Obama and Holders fast n furious weapons?
  24. No, he shot up a crowd that he figured would be full of Trump supporters.
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