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Everything posted by juansavage1

  1. Ah, OK. I thought you were doubting that people made that argument. It's a very common one. The Marxist doesn't think that racism is personal moral issue Members of races without power can't be racist because they don't have the power to do anything about it. I called it stupid, but, obviously, Marxists think it's very clever.
  2. No. Not acceptable. There are cases in England where kids were taken away because the parents taught traditional beliefs on homosexuality? What think you?
  3. If you missed it, here is the most popular link among people I follow https://t.co/onsuAbAIVQ by @blackrepublican

  4. You're lying or can't use Google. I did a simple search that I posted and found a bunch of examples, including the one I posted. Now, if I were to show that many respected professors and students believed it, what would you say?
  5. Ok. Then, you think there are beliefs that are unacceptable. If you're against the nazi analogy, what about people who have multiple sex partners?
  6. Her argument is standard campus Marxism. You can find it anywhere.
  7. Ah, that familiar argument style. Simple question: Would you deny a loving couple of Nazis a foster child? If so, you're using values. In this case, you have an antipathy towards Nazis.
  8. This answers the question, "would leftists be happy if everybody were leftist?" The answer is "no." They'd turn on each other and jockey for the title of the most oppressed.
  9. The answer is this: Any time a judge makes a decision, he has to have certain criteria. He has to judge things based on values. It can't just be food and shelter because men don't live by bread alone. You wouldn't object to a judge taking a kid away from a Nazi family, would you? You wouldn't say, "Well, as long as he's fed." The question is what standards we're going to use.
  10. Here's the summary from a real, live left wing idiot: Do you guys notice the common thread behind all of this stupidity? Power, structures, oppression.
  11. I'm trying to tie things together. All of these incidents where people say stupid things that don't correspond to reality have the same philosophy as the cause.
  12. As you know, I answer all questions. http://www.bing.com/search?FORM=U280DF&PC=U280&q=black+people+can%27t+be+racist+power I just did a quick search. Notice the BEST ANSWER to the Yahoo question. First, why would people ask these questions in the first place? Because they heard something in class that sounds crazy. It's very common among left wing academics. When I talk about these things, I'm not really talking about the people at your job or your friends.
  13. it's common for leftists to say that blacks can't be racist. why? Because they don't have power. Don't analyze facts like the hunger strike person has far more money and power than me or a poor white dude or that a black man with a knife has more power than a white woman at a particular time- it's stupid. For them, racism isn't a personal moral issue. Where does the idea that groups without "power" can't have a certain belief? What does it remind you of?
  14. All things being equal, meaning that if it's between a kid on the street or four gay dudes living together, I'd pick the four gay dudes (four gay dudes might be your go to arrangement). I'd pick Honey boo boo's mom over the street too, although it's probably not best to place kids with single moms. There might be a glut of foster parents in Utah.
  15. Rape was against the law in 1950. Rape has always been a bad thing in the Judeo-Christian world. Jews might have invented rape as a bad thing in itself. By the way, in your sensitivity classes at work, have you ever heard the phrase that rape is a "crime of power?" How do they know? Did they interview rapists and were told that they wanted power? Any why rape and not stereo theft or mugging?
  16. Leftists call it "root causes." The difference is that I'm right.
  17. White dudes: What happened to you guys? It's either Pajama Boy or Donald Trump. People used to respect you.
  18. You guys don't think it's best for kids to be as close to the child-producing norm as possible?
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