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Everything posted by juansavage1

  1. You guys are probably looking in the wrong place. Maybe less people are doing things that keep them in the middle class.
  2. Two large factors, I bet, are broken or never-formed homes and immigration. I'd like to compare the rates for native, married Americans today and fifty years ago.
  3. Does anybody else find it funny that leftists like Hillary Clinton mock Americans for fearing gun confiscation while they praise countries like Australia that have confiscated guns?
  4. Yet another example of criticism without examples. It's a very common reaction and one that I DON"T TAKE SERIOUSLY because of that fact. I always provide examples. Can you name established democracies that have experienced non-democratic (violent) revolutions? Please, go ahead, Mr. Serious. Also, I"m sure you're not aware that there have been many Dems who have supported gun rights. Guns were not an issue in recent campaigns. What does Hillary Clinton say, “The NRA of thirty years ago is not the NRA of today,” Clinton said. “Today they want people to think the black helicopter is landing in your yard” to “take them away.” Why did she want to distinguish the NRA of thirty-years ago with today? Go ahead, Mr. Genius. Why? Might it be because she's trying to get people to think that there's some new, unacceptable quality to the NRA not present in the past (when many Dems weren't so antithetical to guns)? It's clear to me that just like they tried to do with people who hold a certain position on marriage or whether guys can be girls by an act of will, they're trying to make gun owners seem hateful or crazy and supporting gun rights as outside the bounds of decency. This kind of analysis is obviously not a strong point of yours. *watch the name calling please
  5. If you guys notice, democracies rarely have revolutions (I can think of Chile and Spain, which were new democracies). Think about it: How would a group of people with minority support take over a country. Hillary said something about the NRA today. I think this means that the demonization process is underway.Soon, all remaining leftists who are ambivalent or pro-gun will be forced to choose between being within the pale or the focus of evil.
  6. Right now, the two parties have to negotiate between the different factions internally. If you had multiple parties, you'd have three center-right parties: Libertarian, mainstream pro-market, and a religious, socially conservative one. You'd have two or three center-left parties: Green, union, and a general left one. It would be the same thing because any vote on any bill is either "yes" or "no." 2 choices. One party would bring something up and they'd scramble to get 51%.
  7. Even in countries with multiple parties, there are de facto two parties since they have to form coalitions.
  8. There's that factor and the fact that administrators ARE SJWs who just haven't caught up tot he latest lefty trends. Once they're told what's hip, they fall in line.
  9. My plan of action, most of which would be based on data analysis. 1. Figure out why gun violence has decreased and continue those policies and/or trends that aren't immoral (you can abort babies that have a higher chance of committing gun violence). 2. Figure out how criminals get guns (gun shows?) and close those opportunities. 3. Gun rights are an extension of the natural right of self-defense. People are born with that right, just like they're born with the right to vote. However, one can lose that freedom. Therefore, no guns for felons or people proven to be unstable in some way, which is different than voting since you don't lose that by being crazy. 4. Harshly persecute people who misuse guns. 5. Correlate gun violence with those people and groups most likely to commit violence and see if we can encourage a cultural change in those groups and subgroups. Are hunters committing a lot of crime? "Inner-city youths?" Fatherless boys? Atheists? Church-attending Christians? Muslims? What is it about those groups that make gun violence more or less likely? 5. Insist on standards of discourse. For example, do we want to include suicide, which is a human right according to some, with armed robbery and mass shootings? Do we want to compare Japanese violence with Americans in general or Japanese-Americans?
  10. Funny that white dudes invent the idea of a university, found many of them, and produce most of what's taught, but are the most hated group on campus
  11. I liked a @YouTube video from @ndrios https://t.co/HOmDTrQ19b Principales beneficios del UZO de Omnilife

  12. Lets assume there's a gun show loophole, which people deny exists. How many crimes are commited with guns purchased from gun shows? Whats the crime rate among people who go to gun shows? Is there a lot of violence at gun shows?
  13. Did you see it? Today’s hottest tweet among people I follow https://t.co/vm4VWRksjO by @BleacherReport

  14. If you missed it, here is the most popular link among people I follow https://t.co/UFAiwjHMZo by @TheFakeESPN

  15. I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/Pnjhoj72ub Viajando con la muerte

  16. Link of the day! Most popular link among people I follow is https://t.co/s3p69lk0Tg by @BleacherReport

  17. Did you see it? Today’s hottest tweet among people I follow https://t.co/lnU8JQcK6G by @BleacherReport

  18. RT @iowahawkblog: Once again, images of unclothed attractive women are sexist; images of unclothed unattractive women are empowering

  19. Link https://t.co/jveOkFLoeh by @SteveGranado is the most popular tweet in my news feed today.

  20. Link of the day! Most popular link among people I follow is https://t.co/bxevuJ5Prb by @jabbottum31

  21. If you missed it, here is the most popular link among people I follow https://t.co/4gjchgPx7V by @MeninistTweet

  22. RT @outsidethewire2: Lesson 3 #GenerationButthurt learn from history on what its like to not have a #SafeSpace #Mizzou #CryBullies #tcot ht…

  23. Did you see it? Today’s hottest tweet among people I follow https://t.co/SNaG8eR4DN by @BleacherReport

  24. Link of the day! Most popular link among people I follow is https://t.co/YDochJnJEN by @BleacherReport

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