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Posts posted by IIIII

  1. He didn’t even swing. How can a player of this caliber in this position not even swing once. Never thought I’d say this but trout has been very disappointing this year (relative to his career). Other then that Texas series I can’t really recall any times he has carried. La Stella has been the best player on this team (also something I thought I’d never say). 

  2. 1 hour ago, fan_since79 said:

    Ausmus manages like a guy with Asperger's.

    Lefty/righty, righty/lefty obsession. 

    What a disaster.

    I mean the Angels are top 10 to top 5 in basically every hitting stat. Even more so since the lineup has started to come together and there is less shifting/playing shitty people (top 5 to top 3 in everything over the last 3 weeks). This is a completely misguided comment simply based on a terrible pinch hitting decision. Pitching is still far and a way the main issue for this team. 

  3. 50 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

    Everyone is different, but there are also trends. A lot of what is being said--including the OP--seems based on the logical fallacy of either/or: either all millenials are one way, or all are unique and different.

    There are qualities to each generation, which in turn are modified and shaped by culture, upbringing, personal experience and aptitudes. Every millenial is different, but there are also "generational trends."

    As for the dates and such, Strauss and Howe are the main names behind "generational theory" so we should probably use their definitions...going back to those generations still living:

    G.I. Generation (b. 1901-24)...age 95-118

    Silent Generation (b. 1925-42)...age 77-94

    Boomer Generation (b. 1943-60)...age 59-76

    Generation X (b. 1961-81)....age 38-58

    Millenials/Gen Y (b. 1982-2004)...age 15-37

    Homeland Gen/Gen Z (b. 2005-present)...age 14 and younger

    I tend to side with Pew in that millenials end in 1996. I personally feel that there was a noticeable attitude/culture/etc. change in people born after 1997-2000 or so. 

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