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Posts posted by FireThemAll

  1. Even worse, emotional outbursts by a baseball analyst looking to elicit emotional responses from whoever.


    Bullshit. You contrarians are annoying me with these kind of responses just because you disagree with it. He's just a writer interacting with fans and giving his opinions (and what he's heard from the inside). If you disagree with it, fine, no one is forcing you to read it. He's a very respected member of the baseball world. I like what Law has to say most of the time, hence why I posted it.

  2. He thinks Arte is fully responsible for the Pujols and Hamilton contracts. He acknowledges that Blanton and Walden for Hanson were bad trades by Dipoto, but ultimately Arte is responsible for this mess, and Dipoto can't do his job with Arte constantly getting involved in player personnel decisions. I have to say, I think Arte has put us in a terrible position for the next 8 years, and I would be happy with new ownership at this point.


    They should not fire him. Period. “@SportsJunkie854: @keithlaw if the Angels fire Dipoto, who should they replace him with?”


    Disagree. Still mostly not players he acquires “@TrickFitz: something's not right in Anaheim. Dipoto has to take the heat for this roster.”


    Yes. Also trading Walden for Hanson. “@AntiGlib: @keithlaw Giving 2 years to Joe Blanton raises a lot of eyebrows...”


    He doesn't think Dipoto should be fired because of Arte's incompetence.

  3. Looks like Grigori is using speculations as Facts.


    But that seems to be the norm recently around here.


    There have been several articles stating that Moreno has been meddling in player personnel decisions. It's very close to a fact that Moreno was behind all 3 of the huge mistakes (Pujols, Wells, and Hamilton). It's pretty close to a fact that Arte is to blame for the horrid decision making that has been made the last 3 years. I guess you're one of the people who just downplay every article because you don't agree with it.

  4. and that is all Sosh's fault?  That is silly.  Even at that, so what?  It's just sports.


    lol ok, "it's just sports". So then why are we all posting on this message board? that is such a weak copout to saying someone deserves less blame than he's getting. Clearly it's not all Scioscia's fault but IMO the team should be better than they are.

  5. Kohn - De La Rosa - Howell - Burnett - Frieri - Madson - Mujica

    A good game-calling catcher may be the most important target this offseason though.


    If Madson is healthy and cheap, maybe. Like Mujica a lot. Would not mind Howell as our LOOGY along with Burnett - that is a pretty solid left handed duo. That gives us a legit closer, and some power arms at the front end (Frieri, Kohn, De La Rosa). I like it. Maybe Joe Nathan instead of Madson. Arte needs to spend more on the bullpen if he wants to win next year anyways.


    Agree we need a better game-calling catcher. Iannetta is atrocious in that regard. Really wish we would have signed Russell Martin instead of re-signing Iannetta. Martin is having an excellent season on the first place Pirates.

  6. Clearly not everyone liked the Scioscia signing Bruce. Reading through that thread there was a lot of disagreement about what Scioscia was actually worth. We overpaid the man for too many years, and it wasn't hard for people to see it then either. It's just more obvious now because now Scisocia can't even get us to the playoffs.

  7. Agreed Doc. He's not a good back end of the bullpen pitcher. He's a very serviceable guy to have as a frontend of the bullpen reliever. We need a setup man and a closer. Frieri, Kohn, and De La Rosa should all be serviceable arms for the front end next year. It's the back end that has to get better. Dipoto needs to go after a two late inning relievers

  8. you might want to re read his original post. 


    I did. I still disagree that choosing Matsui over Vlad on a 1 year deal had anything to do with the downfall of this organization. I agree with a lot of what he said except that. I just think it's a reach to say that was one of Reagins poor decisions. Vladdy was coming off an awful year and Matsui was coming off a good year in New York.

  9. First my argument was that if your going to replace Vladdy our best offensive player after the all star break  you should find a better replacement!


    Second, what F'n season are you looking at?  Matsui sucked for us!  Period.  He may have gotten hot when we were out of the race but he sucked when we needed him.  Vladdy that year???? just an All Star!


    So laugh all you want but to suggest Matsui over Vladdy in 2010 ends all credibility to you.


    I never said Matsui over Vladdy in 2010 was a good move, but this thread is titled "the Moment it All Went Wrong". Choosing Matsui over Vladdy clearly wasn't the moment it all went wrong. It had almost no impact on anything outside of slightly worse production for ONE year. It is such a minor move especially when you consider this franchise has endured Adenhart's death (RIP), the Wells trade, the Morales injury, the Pujols signing, and the Hamilton signing. Those are legit moments that "changed it all" you can argue. Choosing Matsui over Vladdy? Not so much...

  10. Matsui for Vladdy? LOL. That switch meant nothing. Matsui had a decent offensive year for us, and Vladdy was at the end of the road. That move hardly did anything to our chances that year. 


    Vladdy "outhit" Matsui by a litte in a bandbox that year. Big deal. The real downfall was when Arte and Scioscia started playing GM after the end of the Stoneman era. The Wells deal has Scioscia and Arte's finger prints all over it. The Hamilton and Pujols deals are all on Arte it looks like. He is the reason this franchise is in shambles. He is the one who gave Scioscia a 10 year deal and hired Reagins and Dipoto. He has no one to blame but himself.

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