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Posts posted by Marsaka

  1. Goody another shitty opinion about the Angels given to us by Marsaka. How difficult was it for you to not find a way to blame the bad pitching on Howie? You are such a troll with this Scioscia is a pathetic manager crap. He pissed off four people in 14 years , Billy Martin calls that Monday.


    this is silly rambling.  


    how am i trolling even though i provided actual evidence?  if you have evidence that the players enjoy playing for mike and he gets the most out of them, then provide it, otherwise stop the childish rambling.

  2. Except Rodney isn't that.  Oh and I do agree that the pen could be better.  I just don't think there were that many guys to make it better.  To sign a contract you must have two parties agree to it.  It's quite possible that Krod didn't want to come back.


    Sometimes you can't go home again. 


    money talks, krod will go to whomever pays him the most and gives him a legit shot at closing.  although i wouldnt blame him if he doesnt want to play for scioscia again even for more money - that speaks volumes on the type of manager this guy is.

  3. Do you remember Rodney when he was here?  Do you know what he did last season?  He would not be a huge upgrade over Frieri, he wouldn't even be an upgrade at all.  Not to mention there is no way in hell they would bring him back after he badmouthed the team when he left.


    badmouthed the team or scioscia?  everyone bad mouths scioscia after they leave and it's well deserved...hes a terrible manager.

  4. Wait, are we trying to say that Rodney or Krod would be the difference in us being contenders or not?  Would not both of them be as much as a question mark as any of the others? 


    im saying a dominant, established closer would help the bullpen a great deal and possibly make them contenders especially if the closer takes appearances away from the likes of jepsen.  and yes they are question marks but both of them were pretty cheap and it would have been worth it to take a shot at.  instead they took a chance on brandon lyon, and a bunch of rule 5 guys.

  5. You lost all credibility when you said "go after Rodney"


    KROD would have been a nice pick up.


    rodney showed in 2012 what he was capable of, he still throws 98-99 so he is still a pretty dominant force in the 9th and a huge upgrade over frieri.  how many teams make the playoffs without a strong/secured closer?

  6. This team is not a contender.  If the 2012 team couldn't make the playoffs, how the **** is this team going to?  Oakland and Texas are better, it's that simple.  It's been that way for a few years now.  This team is a top level starter and 2 established relivers away from even being in the playoff discussion.  Richards, Skaggs, and Santiago are question marks, and the only established lockdown bullpen guy is Joe Smith.  I think our young starters could work out long term, but in a division this competitive our moves pitching wise this offseason just weren't enough.  They either should have gone for it and signed Garza/Balfour (who didn't even get ridiculous money) or gone into semi rebuild mode for a couple years.


    i agree with this, it seems like they are just content with being a 3rd or 4th place team, and hope that they get lucky and the stars align for them and they some how make the playoffs.  


    i dont understand why they didn't go after rodney at least, or give krod a chance, maybe he will find a resurgence back in anaheim again?  i hope the front office doesn't think this team will make the playoffs with this bullpen and a rotation full of even bigger question marks.

  7. we all know damn well aybar is going to lead off.


    lol i was thinking this after every single post in this thread.


    the real lineup will be:









    calhoun/schuck platoon lefty lefty platoon based on whatever is gong through scioscia's puny brain that day.

    dh platoon based on lefty righty matchups!


    sure this lineup doesnt make any sense but tell me this isnt a typical mike scioscia lineup?

  8. Aybar never had an OBP of .240 or anything even near that.  I get your point and I don't want him leading off either (although given our lack of options for that spot...), but throwing out BS like that doesn't help your argument.  


    haha are you serious.  aybar had a .240-250 obp around in may and yes scioscia actually put him at leadoff.  if you're referring to his season numbers then thats why you have no idea what you are talking about.

  9. I don't think he'd come over and light it up, but if he takes a one year deal and it keeps the Angels below the luxury tax, then they should get him for sure. At least consider a two year deal depending on the AAV.


    he should be expecting nothing more than a 1 year deal at 37 years old from now one.  angels should not cave in and give him what he wants like they did with blanton.  if he takes 1 year deal then sign him, if not let him go elsewhere.

  10. If he comes to Anaheim, the park factors will likely offset some of the NL to AL adjustments. Cincinnati has been in the top 3 parks in baseball for homeruns the last 3 years. Anaheim has been in the bottom 10 during that span.


    im really sick of hearing this park crap.  anaheim didnt help blanton or hanson keep the ball inside the ballpark, not even with trout and bourjos leaping walls to bring them back.  


    and it really makes a huge difference when u get a free out every 9 batters.  

  11. 40% think Sosh meddles with the lineup too much.  40% thinks he should change the lineup based on who is hot and who is not.  The other 20% doesn't think he does anything wrong.


    It's all black and white.  


    i dont mind meddling with the lineup as long as it makes sense, but anyone who puts erick aybar and his .240 obp at the leadoff spot has no business managing a baseball team WHATSOEVER.  There's a difference between trying out new things and sheer stupidty.  Scioscia just has sheer stupidity.

  12. The Angels have no choice but to try to win now. That's why they signed Pujols and Hamilton. You don't sign guys on the other side of 30 to enormous contracts in order to have them help you rebuild for a couple of seasons. 


    Whether or not they have the pieces to be "championship caliber" is another debate, but they're not going to bide their time for a couple of seasons while they're paying Pujols and Hamilton $50M a year.


    pujols and hamilton look like big flops though.  its a bad idea to compound their mistakes by bringing in more bad contracts and pray that all of sudden pujols and hamilton wont stink.

  13. Also one of the most difficult to pitch in because of all the good offenses + great hitters parks(Baltimore, Boston, New York, Toronto)


    In Anaheim, it'll definitely help him. I don't mind him at 4yr/$50-$60 mill. If they get him for that, or even for one less year at 3(wishful thinking but who knows) then it becomes a very reasonable and safe contract




    he was in the al east 4 years ago,  it's silly to assume there wont be any regression.  and after people claimed pitching in anaheim would help blanton, im really surprised you would say that.

  14. Oh I'm not saying I did, just in general. There seems to be no interest or distaste in this guy



    i dont understand the love affair for this guy.  hes a very average pitcher with arm troubles the last 2 years.  the last thing the angels need is to pay another pitcher money to sit at home on his couch like they did with burnett, madson, hanson, and vargas.

  15. Oh I'm not saying I did, just in general. There seems to be no interest or distaste in this guy, when in reality his stuff is better than anyone in our current rotation and he's got 7 straight years of a sub 4.00 ERA. That's a major accomplishment as a SP IMO. Someone I'd love to slide into our #3 spot.


    his stuff is lights outs? lol


    1.  his career 3.84 era is nothing close to a lights out pitcher.

    2.  when he got traded to texas he had a very mediocre 4.38 era, even the astros lit him up.

    3.  most of those years were in the weak pitcher friendly NL

    4.  the angels have a history of taking bad contracts and getting poor results

    5.  the angels need more than just garza to make the playoffs.

  16. 3.8 mil is a lot for frieri.  he isn't that good.


    it's way too much, hes garbage just like jepsen.


    and i think freese is thinking that since the angels continuously throw money down the drain and pay way too much for little return - why not take advantage of how stupid they are and ask for a lot.  its a smart move by his side.

  17. I can say he was relatively healthy because for the three years prior to joining the Angels he pitched 70 times a year out of the pen. That is tough to do while being injured or on the DL. I agree that they need to build the farm, no one, not a single person on this forum believes that the Angels should continue drafting poorly. I will say this as it relates to Dipoto and the bullpen, his first draft he drafted a CRAZY amount of bullpen arms, so even he agrees with you Marsaka. What the Angels won't do anytime soon is rebuild, so they will still be aggressive in free agency until they are back in the playoffs.


    From a 2012 article:


    Burnett has been a mainstay in the Nationals bullpen since they acquired him in a trade with the Pirates midway through the 2009 season. This season, Burnett posted a 2.38 ERA in 70 appearances over 56 2/3 innings. He pitched like an all-star candidate in the first half, and in the second half he pitched with a bone spur in his left elbow that required surgery shortly after the season.


    A different article also from 2012:


    Though he had a strong season in 2012, Burnett also had injury issues in 2012. The left-hander experienced tightness in his elbow in July which he said he'd been dealing with for six weeks and he missed time in September with what was described then as nerve irritation in his left elbow. After holding opposing hitters to a .231/.272/.350 line in the first half of the year, opposing hitters had a .298/.345/.385 line against the lefty in the second half of the 2012 season. Burnett pitched just twice in the NLDS with St. Louis, giving up three hits a walk and four runs, three earned in Game 2 before coming back to retire one batter in Game 5 with the Cardinals.

    Before Game 4 of the series, Nats' skipper Davey Johnson admitted that Burnett, "... did have a little discomfort toward the end of the season and then he was up and pretty straight in the game that I brought him in, last game in St. Louis." When the season was over, Burnett had surgery to remove bone spurs from his left elbow. Earlier in his career, Burnett had Tommy John surgery in 2004, four years after the Pittsburgh Pirates had selected him 19th overall in the 1st Round of the 2000 Draft. Johnson told MLB Network Radio hosts Jim Bowden and Casey Stern in an interview a few weeks back, "I hope we get Sean Burnett back."

    Will the Nationals give Burnett a multi-year deal to keep him in the bullpen in 2013 and beyond? Should they? What other options do the Nats have this winter?


    judging by his second half of 2012 it already looked like he was damaged goods.  

  18. This place boggles my mind at times. So, now that we determined that he was relatively healthy prior to coming to the Angels, are you now ok with Dipoto signing him?


    his past showed he was an injury risk, i dont know how you can say he was "relatively healthy."  i'm not saying dipoto should be able to predict the future, but i think the entire organization needs to stop relying on free agents and build their farm.  


    im fine for signing burnett, but due to his injury risk i would have put less years/money or some type of clause to protect the team.  not give him full guaranteed money and years like dipoto did.

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