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Everything posted by ODNight

  1. Let's face it. Being in so cal we've been spoiled with Vin Scully. Personally, I would prefer to have Harold Reynolds as he was the best play by play caller til he got the boot from ESPN. Sunday night games haven't been the same since Harold was in the studio.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/FireRexHudlerAsARoyalsAnnouncer hahahah
  3. How about sending Rojas back to Kansas City for the Wonderdog aka Rex Hudler in case you forgot?
  4. Homegrown is the way to go. I believe only 20-25% of payrolls should be allocated towards free agents as complementary pieces a la the Cardinals and Giants organizations. No coincidence they have won in the last few years.
  5. Can we wear paper bags that read we'll be better ... In 2022?
  6. I can honestly say I have seen the stubhub effect take place already. Even though the team has sold tickets, I have noticed a lot more empty seats than in years past. I would imagine that although the Halos are recouping their revenue in original ticket sales, their revenue for concessions will be down significantly more relative to last year.
  7. The clippers have a similar exchange program, but they don't restrict ticket owners from posting tickets prior to 48 hours before the start of their games. If the angels allowed ticket holders to post their tickets online before the 48 hours, i would be mildly okay with them
  8. Wow. Was a little intimidated by the length, but once I delved in, I couldn't agree more.
  9. I couldn't agree with Wally's World more. I think the distribution of players receiving big contracts were guys who were 30-31 signing long-term deals. While I am not accusing anyone of taking steroids, I believe the reason those guys were in their respective shape was due to artificial substances. Unfortunately, since the Pujols winter, the Angels are operating in that fashion. I believe as the penalties become more stringent, more careers will either end sooner or diminish in a quicker fashion. As for the future, I truly think the norm as can be seen by the Kemp, Longoria extensions, the norms will be to buy out arbitration years in order to be either a free-agent by 28 or signed through age 32. In essence the bell curve will shift towards players in their mid-20s getting more money to truly be efficient.
  10. But has Scioscia's style of play ever been geared towards power hitters? His teams have been teams with so much emphasis on first-to-third and productive outs. It is more a clash of styles and failures to adjust on all ends.
  11. I equate this situation to buying a car. I buy a car from a dealership. 2 years later, I want to sell said car. Essentially, you are all saying that if I sold that car for any amount, the dealer would demand a cut of the car purchase.
  12. The only other teams to do this are the Yankees and the Blue Jays. Can someone give me a reasonable answer as to why this is acceptable? Season ticket holders already bend over and deal with raised prices.
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