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Posts posted by DW711

  1. I still don't know what the show is about.

    Tucco, who is one of the worst characters ever, goes on a tangent for a third of the show, then we see his brother who is some nut without electricity and a space blanket for a third, then a montage of clients, court cases, and coffee for the final third.


    Tuco is fine, but his brother..I don't see the point.

  2. it's one of a small handful of shows that were almost impossible for me to stop watching when i started.


    i didn't get into BB until after season 3 was over, and i ran though the first 3 seasons in no time.  i actually just waited until all of season 4 and then all of season 5.1 and 5.2 were done with their first runs before watching them.  i didn't want to wait. 


    if you end up not liking better call saul, you should still give BB a chance.  i can't imagine call saul being good, but that's just me. 


    so you couldnt talk to anyone about the show for 2 years?

  3. tried to watch it last night but was gone and didn't get the dvr set. will look for a repeat this week sometime.


    since i never watched breaking bad, will that affect my ability to enjoy or understand saul?


    amc has re-runs all the time. They're showing the first episode again (probably 4-5 times) tonight.


    I'd dvr all the episodes and watch them after watching 70 episodes of breaking bad!

  4. If it was me...I just go into that play thinking what's the one way I can score a touchdown with the LEAST possible chance of turning the ball over.


    I'll give it to Butler, he guessed his ass off...but he took the perfect angle and didn't hesitate in the slightest.


    For the OC to say they were trying to burn time...no you wern't.


    I don't care if you hand it off to the full back, do a bootleg, a jump ball to Mathews or why not a play-action pass that led to a guy being wide open by about 10 yards (or do the obvious even if the entire defense saw it coming).


    Not a throw that easily could have been deflected or tipped (or worse).


    It's just not playing the odds.

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