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Everything posted by InsideThePark

  1. "And if Putin says nice things about me, I'll say nice things about him." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/17/putin-those-who-leaked-trump-dossier-worse-than-prostitutes.html The bromance continues.
  2. Haven't got a clue. If the economy does thrive under Trump, and assuming he doesn't screw things up too badly on foreign policy or get impeached, voters will probably put up with all the nonsense. But if he's not the greatest jobs President that "God" ever created, and things get worse towards the end of the first term, most everyone except his base gets tired of his act and will likely want someone a little more stable.
  3. Yeah he said that the other day at the press conference. But then there's this: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/2015-trump-said-he-wasnt-a-germaphobe-963528
  4. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/01/16/crowley-trump-pick-national-security-spokeswoman-quits-amid-plagiarism-charges/96635918/ From Twitter: Monica Crowley is out: "I have decided to remain in New York to pursue other opportunities", pasted Ms. Crowley.
  5. You can't see the irony of that defense coming from yourself? lol
  6. Democrats need to stop saying he's illegitimate. Perhaps an argument can be made that the election was tainted but that was to no fault of the Donald. By definition, his presidency is 100% legitimate. There's no evidence that suggests his campaign colluded with the Russians.
  7. Yeah, a lot of people who aren't liberals or even anti-Trump got a good kick out of it.
  8. Yeah why not. It's not like threads ever go off topic at AW - certainly not in the political forum.
  9. No butthurt here and no regrets. Tuesday night was a riot. The piss jokes still crack me up btw, I need to watch that SNL skit again lol
  10. And there's this: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_580f9883e4b000d0b158e61e A lot of readers are reminding us of the time Trump threatened to sue Bill Maher to claim a $5 million reward for proving he himself was not sired by an orangutan. He did actually try to sue Maher, but the case was dismissed in late 2013. We know this was before his presidential bid, but here’s the background, just for fun. Lol
  11. Right, because Trump's never had frivolous lawsuits against news organizations thrown out before. Oh wait. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/06/trump-sued-everyone-but-his-hairdresser.html In 1984, Trump sued the Chicago Tribune for $500 million after the publication’s architecture critic, Paul Gapp, wrote an item suggesting Chicago’s Sears Tower, then the world’s tallest building, would remain as such, despite Trump’s plan to build a taller structure in downtown Manhattan. Trump claimed the story “virtually torpedoed” his dreams, according to the Associated Press, by depicting his would-be tower as “an atrocious, ugly monstrosity” even though, Trump said, he hadn’t even yet hired an architect or drawn a plan. In 2006, Trump sued New York Times reporter Timothy L. O’Brien, author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, as well as the book’s publisher, Warner Books, for saying Trump is worth $150 million to $250 million when Trump claimed, at the time, he was worth $2.7 billion. Trump said the error was “egregiously false,” according to Agence France Presse. In 2009, the suit was dismissed. Trump now claims he’s worth “$8,737,540,000.” ---------------------------- He sued because of something he "didn't like." The cases were thrown out because they were ridiculous.
  12. Oh look, SNL must think the story is infallible, too!
  13. Lou was just doing what he normally does: Trolling libs. Cons were shooting the shit with everyone else but they were spared lol And of course lurkers who don't really follow the news took this thread a bit too literally. It was a night of goofing around for the lulz. More to follow!
  14. Pretty much. BuzzFeed is about as credible as Breitbart.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/12/politics/joe-biden-donald-trump-intelligence-report/index.html I suppose this is FAKE NEWS, too.
  16. Obama was often regarded as her best surrogate. The biggest problem for the dems was the candidate. But sure, his administration is far from perfect. One of the biggest issues that hurt Hillary towards the end was the rising cost in Obamacare premiums. Overall, Obamacare has been a cancer on the Democratic Party. Definitely has a lot to do with why they've lost so many governorships and seats in Congress.
  17. Gotcha. Last I checked, Obama's approval rating was just south of 60%, so it seems unlikely it had a negative effect.
  18. Half the time, you troll libs - so he gives you a pass lol In all seriousness though, I have examples but I think it's probably best if we move forward. Eh, kind of a weak argument in my opinion... she's responsible for her own actions.
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