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Posts posted by bakunin

  1. This is a chimp out on a grand proportion. I feel like Charlton Heston on the beach on Planet of the Apes. I can't believe I belong to the same nation as the people I am watching on the television. This isn't mine. My nation is gone. Forever. Must secede before I ****ing lose my mind 

  2. All sections at hockey games are good, as they're small stadiums. It depends on what you like. If you prefer seeing the players close up, both lower sides won't run you too much money, but the middle would be the best closer seats, but for those you'll easily pay over 100 per ticket. 


    I honestly prefer the upper levels, it allows you to see the ice in entirety. For example, the other night I watched a six man on the ice penalty happen, you just can't catch that stuff as well when you're up close, or watching on TV or something.

  3. 3 pages and yet no mention of Deadwood.


    What a shame.

    Was just going to mention this, didn't know if anyone had. Though to be fair, I'm not sure if I'd want to get into it knowing full well the entire series ended on a cliff hanger. Deadwood, save for the Sopranos, was the greatest television show to ever exist. The wide array of interesting characters is comparable to no other show, you just kept coming back for more, and it wasn't particularly gripping or shocking in any manner, it was just great tv. 




    Carnivale. Beware, like Deadwood, it has no ending, though doesn't leave you on a cliffhanger. 

    Rome. First season was great, second was eh. 

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