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Posts posted by bakunin

  1. Some good authors there. Evola is interesting, although a mixed mag. Plato is, of course, Plato. I've never read Chesterton, but every time I come across a quote by him I'm blown away.


    Not sure how all of this relates to monarchy, "race realism," and hatred of homosexuals, though!

    “A child kicks its legs rhythmically through excess, not absence, of life. Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, “Do it again”; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough… It is possible that God says every morning, “Do it again,” to the sun; and every evening, “Do it again,” to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike: it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.”

  2. When you say "the West now is a rejection of the West," what to you is the true West?


    Europe until the French Revoultion. I had found out that the West in it's current form was a rejection of the West before. The French Rev changed everything for the worst.


    For some reference, I read,

    Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola.

    The Republic by Plato.

    Everlasting Man by GK Chesterton.


    These were eye openers. Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton is what made me convert to Catholicism almost over night.

  3. You don't know my story. I was robbed 3 years ago on two separate occassions and after became very interested in HBD and what makes people do what they do. I became a race realist shortly after, interested in national socialism and so on. I have ended up a traditional Catholic who does not recognize the Pope as legitimate, and a stern Monarchist. I really DO think these things. Nothing you can do can change that.

  4. Or its funny. But you realize why (some) gay men do that sort of thing, right? Because of the hate they've received from people like you, or even the soft hate of subtle prejudice. They've had to reclaim their power, and they flaunt their sexuality as a big "F U" to those that fear, misunderstand, and hate them for who they are. Like yourself.


    Out of curiosity, which church do you belong to?


    I belong to a Society of St Pius X Church somewhere on the East Coast.

  5. I'm guessing that you're going to get banned for this. This is shameful - even if you're trolling and this is just satire, portraying the worst of the most narrow minded fundamentalism.


    Either way, you're going way too far. This is hateful and despicable and has absolutely nothing to do with what Jesus taught.




    It's shameful because we live in an insane modern world. Open homosexuals parading in the street half naked decorated in dildos ought to be executed.

  6. This debate on fags is hilarious. Most contemporary Christian thought on fags is hilarious. If they're outward about their disgusting lifestyles, they deserve nothing short but a beating. I would argue also killing them is acceptable, as it's better to stamp out what will eventually cause the unraveling of society (what is happening now, and has happened throughout time to all empires) If they behave and shut their mouthes about their disgusting lifestyles, where is the harm?

  7. The Bible condemns sin in any form. Homosexuals are not inherently sinful. Don't engage in the sin that cry to heaven, it's that simple. Homosexual, in my view, are born to be homosexuals. It is a doing of nature, but their goals and ideas are radically different from normal people. They have biologically opted out of reproduction, marriage, etc. Be a queer all you want, but as soon as you start putting your filthy hands on children, that's where the line is drawn. 

  8. A homosexual doesn't cause society problems, an inflated importance on his or her deviant lifestyle does. This is why I like Russia's anti-homosexual propaganda law. Homosexuality ideologically can crumble nations (Greece, Rome) and through the venerating and celebration of non-normal lifestyles, we tear ourselves down. It should just be as so, marrying and having children are the ideal life for all human beings. Procreation and marriage are sacred and beyond those two things, nothing is more valuable. 


    Don't ask, don't tell was the perfect law, signed by a liberal! Thus ensuring safety for homosexuals to continue their disgusting acts and safety for the majority who are not homosexuals. 

  9. Your second paragraph can't happen until sin and satan have been permanently removed from the universe.

    Thanks for your explanation in the first paragraph. We are in agreement.


    Indeed, but I cannot help but see republicanism and democracy as inherently satanic and anti-God. They, over time, have created the post-enlightenment society that sees the descendents and benefactors of Christian civilization spit upon everything our people and our God sacrificed. Monarchy is as good as it gets.

  10. Isn't the Bible the word of God, and therefore contains His laws? I'm confused by your answer,


    The Bible is indeed the word of God. It does contain His laws, but not all of our laws come from the Bible. Nor does the Bible seek to explain us laws intended for governance beyond the obvious. The Bible most importantly informs of us salvation, our history, and what is to come. Offering infinite amounts of wisdom along the way.


    Ideally, which I think every Christian should be in support of, is a royal family and a King in submissiveness to the Lord Jesus Christ and His written word, who governs his people with this his greatest backing. 

  11. JewSA and EU now threatening Russia. Lol.

    Russia is behaving like any country would when backed into a corner. Please remember that Russia feels threatened as well by the West. The US and the EU have been intimidating Russia for years now. In no particular order:

    -US building a missile shield to shoot down any Russian nuclear missiles

    -Backing the independence of Kosovo in violation of Serbia's territorial integrity, a move that most of the world's UN member states reject by refusing to recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

    -George Soros installing Sakashvili in Georgia

    -Sakashvili going on to attack South Ossetia and Abkhazia with tacit support of EU and US

    -Orange revolution in Ukraine

    -Attacking Russian ally Syria by funding Al Qaeda in Syria

    -Finally, Euromaidan in Ukraine

    At some point, Russia becomes forced to strike back and show its teeth to protect its sphere of influence. That's what we're seeing now.

    We're the aggressors here. Think of that what you wish, because obviously we have to do something about a totalitarian state that executes its own citizens with dronesuses Dyncorp voting machines in elections susceptible to voter fraudhas a small political elite consisting of a small number of well connected dynastiessystematically spies on the rest of the worldsupports genocidal Islamist terrorists in Syriaappears to kill whistle blowersforcibly dismantles political protestsUses private mercenary armies to occupy foreign countrieshas the highest numbers of prisoners per capita in the world, doesn't allow gay pride demonstrations, but at least recognize that we're the one pursuing an expansionist foreign policy here in an effort to preserve our unipolar world order.



    We're about to have a nuclear war, folks.

  12. The biggest backers of Prop 8 were Catholics and religious groups.  Similar bills in the south go 70/30


    The fact is all religion breeds intolerance.  The whole premise behind it is superiority.  The idea of "you are only good and are only saved if you follow my rules" breeds conflict and intolerance.

    Your tolerance movements only exist through reformations. The rejection of Catholicism created liberalism. So, your very left was onky granted existence from your maker, the Universal Church. We wish for all men to be baptized in the Trinity. Life breeds conflict. Violence is the way of the world. After all, Christ "did not come to send peace, but the sword."

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