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Posts posted by Quinlanforthewin

  1. Franchise defining move really. Should have gotten Scioscia fired. Did get Reagins fired. Not only did we take a contract nobody in baseball would take, we gave up a better, cheaper player to do so. Hilarious level of ineptitude.


    We've done this pretty much over and over since signing Torii...almost every big acquisition since signing him has been a bust on some level. 

  2. I'm not even defending the move. I'm OK with it if the team had addressed LF/2B, but since they didn't I see it for what it is, trading uncertain future assets for low cost certainty.


    Yeah totally agree.  I think everyone said that at the time, "Well this means we're going to go after it in FA" and we were all pretty baffled when we just signed has beens. Doesn't make sense.  

  3. The Simmons trade makes sense because he's signed for 5 years at a reasonable salary. He will come cheaper than whatever alternative we would have ended up going with.


    Dude is going to hit .240 for us at best.  Guys don't come to the Angels and get better offensively. He's basically a better Rey Ordonez and we gave up our future for it.  Dumb.

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