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Orange Lives Matter

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Everything posted by Orange Lives Matter

  1. Go ahead, name call. Tell me why? And not once have you made a legit knowledgeable statement with regards to things. Nothing but catch phrases and virtue signaling Change my mind, give me something of substance (no catch phrases) make me Great like you Strandling
  2. watch the video... and stop believing in devils who pretend to be on your side with their virtue signaling and flawed actions (rioting in disguise as protesting)
  3. failos my dude YOU'RE A LEGEND, thank you for this wonderful and very truthful reply
  4. And why have BLM protest caused so many black killings in the "concept" of black lives mattering, or rioting, looting, injuries, property damage, business damage and chaos. Seriously why are they causing so much trouble?
  5. Yup and the Cosby Show shouldn't have been removed from TV when Cliff Huxtable was MeToo'd – People who DON'T complain about keeling during the anthem
  6. Once again theatrics. You talk about conversation but what's that old saying?? ACTIONS speak louder than words. The day I see kneelers do something of substance that actually helps their community then that'll be the day I support it. Oh and one more thing, you talk about it making a difference, what good has come out of this? Defunding the police in high crime areas? Is less policing gonna be good for the black community as a whole? Love your slogan hot takes with no actual meaning to your sentences. You seem to have the answers, change my mind, make me into a better person with the same honor and virtue you have Standling #TeachMe
  7. Not offended by the knee... it's an empty calorie meal... watch the video... and the day I see many of the kneelers actual do something of substance to improve the community and the process that'll be the day I believe in kneeling
  8. Jeff Fletcher is what true reporting should be. He's very fair and balanced. He reports things properly without voicing an opinion or narrative with regards to his beliefs. The Angels organization and it's fanbase are lucky to have this great professional. Thank you again Jeff and YES Chuck I will become a member of the OC Register
  9. It sure does when there's reporting and free press near by. No snark or sarcasm, thank you Jeff Fletcher for everything you do. We need a Jeff Fletcher appreciations thread.
  10. Totally agree. People complaining about "THEIR community" being in shambles when their own home is a mess
  11. I would support BLM if Marcellus Wiley was in charge of the movement. But keep virtue signaling privileged white people
  12. Or it could mean someone is willing to call out some stuff that needs to be called out. And even at that precautions need to be made by creating a burner account for fear of the virtue signaling mob attacking someone who hurts their DELICATE DELICATE feelings with words
  13. With that thought lets use Albert Pujols as an example with the Pujols Family Foundation for kids with Down Syndrome. There's no theatrics there with the Pujols Foundation just legit hard work and fund raising for an actual cause.. The day I see MANY kneelers do something real and of substance that makes the black community better that's the day I will believe in their stance. YES there have been a few exception but I really haven't seen anything tangible by most of the kneelers.
  14. The same teachers and institutions that have been shown to be prejudice and bias towards Asians and Whites with regards to college acceptance based on test scores? Or is it the same teachers and institutions who have thought many of these privilege white kids that are out there destroying black communities under the disguise of a social justice movement?
  15. Thank you Chuck. I love what you've done here. Been around for years and even though I've never posted MUCH until today and I feel like I know many of you for years. I'm not here to troll, I have another account that doesn't get used much and I'm letting everyone know that this is a burner account because I have to protect myself from the virtue signal mob that are out there.
  16. Okay how do you fix this problem. Besides CUTE little slogans and talking points with no actual substance you've been program to say DON'T FIX THINGS so how do you fix systemic racism And without googling it what is systemic racism?
  17. And the term Cute is real cute as well but don't want to give you too much credit with your full of substance replies
  18. So where's the justice on your part? Are you cool with blacks hurting more blacks than whites hurting blacks? Just so you know me wanting blacks to be better doesn't make me the bad guy but keep the theatrics going that'll for sure fix all the problems
  19. So nobody is allowed to have differing opinions now a days? Are my thoughts that lethal?
  20. There's nothing of substance to these kneeling theatrics. Kneeling is not ending black on black crimes or black on black killings. Kneeling won't cure the broken family and fatherless family structure of the black community. Kneeling won't fix poverty. Kneeling won't fix the lack of TRUE education with regards to reading, writing and math skills. Kneeling won't end racism or unit us all. Yes there are problems and yes something needs to be done but accountability is a two way street and our black brothers and sisters need to do their part as well and keep their community in check with accountability and peaceful actions because the way they're going about it now with their RICH white liberal friends is doing more damage than good for their cause no matter what the media says
  21. Couldn't have been said better. Substance and thought. Respectful and Mindful. ScottT should be everyone's man crush
  22. To me, my opinion I see this as nothing more than a child like tantrum. Believe it or not I believe in a lot of what you believe in but I feel like you've missed the mark like Jeff Mathis throwing to first base with the runners stealing second. There's nothing of substance in this post, once again ScottT much respect for your well thought out post.
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