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Orange Lives Matter

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Everything posted by Orange Lives Matter

  1. I don’t know who the greatest gymnast in the world ever was but your verbal gymnastics is that level good. The levels of flip flopping is just that darn good
  2. Hey Strand wanna see what real @Chuckster70 (pay attention to how I tagged him) pandering looks like?? Hey Chuck do you know where I can get some of these authentic Strand PEACEFUL PROTEST sun glasses from??
  3. I actually don’t... I just love clowning on Strands comical and inconsistent replies. You wanna go see aggressive go look at ettin acting like a tough guy with me
  4. oh the verbal gymnastics... you mentioned peaceful protest which I highlighted... I then talked about said peaceful protest which once again I highlighted in your previous post... and now you’re trying to act like you didn’t bring that up
  5. Don’t look at Chuck, this has nothing to do with Chuck, stay on subject even when you’re getting proven wrong with your peaceful protest BS
  6. Didn’t you post some crap about peaceful protesting in your original post... go back and read it Strandy Cakes
  7. Honest and straight forward with my actions. Can't wait for the other mods to cry bloody murder and try to ban me from the site because I hurt their delicate little feelings by saying things they don't like (while they piss and shit all over the place like homeless people in democrat run cities like San Francisco)
  8. if it wasn't for low class you'd have no class with that last remark... can't wait to hear you lecture me and others on your virtuous beliefs on things you don't agree with tdawg
  9. Oh NOOOOO Robby Justice has blocked me. What will I ever do? How will I ever live without your Trump Derangement Syndrome hissy fits? Oh the pain, this seriously feels like someone shot me through the heart and into my soul with a Golden Arrow. How will I ever recover and be cool again like The Fonz in that show where he was renting a converted garage from that stupid lame ass family?
  10. no that would be racist seeing how it's a white man in black face. Seriously you need to be canceled ASAP
  11. who needs proof and understanding of what's really going on when we could call others names. By the way can I be Beavis?
  12. @Chuckster70 AngelsLakersFan needs his angelswin account to be canceled for the black face image on his avatar. It's not cool promoting black face when you're white Michael Jackson... and I don't care if you did that years ago when you were young
  13. I was born in iraq and was raised muslim and I don't agree with the violent ways of my old religion. And mohammed did own slaves and he had a 9 year old wife
  14. No it means don't make yourself look bad with criminal like actions. In the long run this is hurting your cause more than doing good. Most people don't agree with violence, terror, fear, destruction, rage and theft which is what it all morphed into with your peaceful protests
  15. Let them kneel, football lost money because of it years ago which in turn will lower the cap number because it's connected to revenue which in turn means less money for the player REEEEEEEEE By the way I apologize for not using emotions in my replies
  16. I mean isn't all the rage all about many of our founding fathers owning slaves and how we need to take down their statues and how they need to be canceled. Well what about mohammed?
  17. Couldn't agree more, like seeing a guy dress up as a women and being loud about wanting to be called women when he's really a man #PartyOfScience
  18. Sure... and how bout antifa and black lives matter calling out mohammed of the muslim religion for his BLACK slave owning and trading ways.
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