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Angels 1961

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Everything posted by Angels 1961

  1. With Teheran not in camp and Sandoval just arriving what will Angels rotation be to start season? Heaney, Ohtani, Canning, Bundy and who will other 2 be?
  2. Jeff, in current climate of sports what kind of contract does Simmons get this off season?
  3. You may not be playing this year. You receivers do social distance
  4. He was getting over 350 but not now.
  5. Teheran not in camp, Angels may try to resign Castro since zero options at that position. Yeah put Fletcher at 2B LaStella be PH.
  6. You may not be playing this year bur your wide receivers do social distance on the field.
  7. Totally different as Betts value a lot higher and Dodgers will try and sign him. Betts will not get 400 mill. Simmons will be 31 and not signed by halos in my opinion. MI halos have options, plus with covid I feel owners will not be spending this off season to much unknown.
  8. Those numbers are big league numbers, showing we are in age of HR or strikeouts.
  9. They would have to trade him by August 31 this year. Angels will not offer him a QO if they did he would accept it at 18 mill for 1 year. People we are in a pandemic owners will not want to spend. By the end of this season if it completed this virus will still be here. College cutting back on early games and their season may be canceled. Owners losing money this year and who knows what next year will look like. I hope Simmons has big 60 games and help Angels win. Things are not normal and owners will not spend. Before this virus started halos could have extended him and they did not. If he is traded before August 31 will not get much on a player for 30 game rental. Who do you put in RF this year?
  10. So Albert plays? He cannot run or field because he is slow. LaStella to 1B, Fletcher 2B they will help more than Albert. Have Thaiss or Walsh at 1B.
  11. Owners will take a wait and see what happens with virus. Many arbitration players will not be offered contracts. If anything I believe Angels would use money on pitching.
  12. They will sign FA but not anywhere near the money in the past. Owners will losing a lot of money this season and next year unless this virus just disappears. One world leader said it will.
  13. That's right Rengifo with Fletcher at 2B
  14. Baseball also has fans in the stands and we are not having that.
  15. It depends how you look at this season. 60 games to win a world series? Simmons I love as a player but this off season being a free agent will not be pretty. Unless we have a total change with covid owners will not be spending money. Attendance in 2021 will be down if we have a season. Use the 60 games to help players who are the future, Adell, Thaiss and Fletcher. Just my opinion.
  16. I want to sit Simmons and Pujols, Simmons will not be resigned for next year as teams will be cutting payroll. Pujols just needs to go. This 60 game season if it is played should be used to help one of the top prospect in baseball to improve. Adell did not play that many games at AAA last year. I'm just saying let our best prospect play other wise just a wasted year for Adell. This is not a normal year for baseball we do not know how much time Trout will miss or if he will opt out. Who do you want in RF in this covid season? What I'm saying let's use the 60 games for the future.
  17. Aaron Judge at 36% look at Acuna, Pete Alonso, Harper. what I'm saying you cannot just go K% to know if someone is ready. Let him play
  18. Many players have a strike out rate of 30% in this age of HR baseball. The problem is one of the top prospect in all of baseball will not be playing this year. I feel Adell is a very special player with his speed and defense he would provide. Nobody knows if this season is going to take place or let alone 2021. Only way to improve is play. Use games we have to improve as no minor league games this year. Yes changes are coming with new CBA. May be good for players or bad, hell next season may be canceled way things are going. I do know attendance will be down in all sports if they play next year.
  19. New CBA after 2021 so things will change with that. How do you know a player is ready or not?
  20. Who gives you best chance to win in RF, Maddon taking long look at Adell
  21. I'm saying with this virus in the off season teams will not be spending. Teams may be letting players go that are going to arbitration. Things are not normal who knows by next season if fans will be allowed in stands or in a limited capacity. Teams are going to cut payroll anyway they can. I love Simmons as a player but he will not be back.
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