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Everything posted by eligrba4ever

  1. Ouch. Hope that was all on the pad and not the elbow.
  2. They opened the roof at 12:20 and minutes later they closed it again. Must be rain coming. This is the Northwest. 40 percent chance of showers.
  3. Escobar gets things started on the right foot. Single to right.
  4. GO ANGELS!!!! Go Hector Santiago!!! Figure it out Hector and don't waste pitches. You can do this when you focus. Dethrone the King and complete a weekend sweep!! Come on, Albert. Do it again. And again. And again. Ditto Trout, Kole, CJ and the rest.
  5. LIGHT THAT BABY UP!!! What a thrill ride! Chacin 7 great innings. The pen a stinking eighth. And Albert making it all right again in the ninth.
  6. After that awful two-week stretch, it appears these guys have a resolve not to give up.
  7. How many complete games are in anybody's book in 2016? (Kershaw and Baumgarner excepted.)
  8. I think I heard a Mariners' announcer mention that 90 were the most pitches Chacin had thrown this season.
  9. This would be a nice time for the Angels to get Seager out.
  10. I was hoping that Nagy could get through a whole game without a mound visit.
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