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Savage Juan

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Everything posted by Savage Juan

  1. I think this should serve as a warning to other dark minorities like Filipinos and Asian Indians. The man will get to YOU as soon as they're done with African-Americans and Chicanos.
  2. Once this police shooting reaches the the justice activists around the country, there will be outrage. There may also be riots, but that's because people are frustrated by the out of control police forces working in collusion with the fat cats to put down the common man. Remember Ferguson! Hands up, don't shoot.
  3. Woops. Meant Hillary. Sanders does better in places where the Dems are ideologically-minded white people, like Iowa or New Hampshire. Hillary will do better in the South where most Dems are blacks. Hillary will also do better among union workers. Sanders=Ideologically-aware leftists. Hillary people just want free crap.
  4. Well, Tank, some might call this a xenophobic or racist comment that may also be homophobic. It also might be blaming the victims of inequality. Being the most unequal state in a country that is very unequal as it is, makes this a crisis of inequality. Crises calls for emergency measures.
  5. http://money.cnn.com/2015/05/05/news/economy/california-unequal/index.html Most of this is because of greedy corporations and their tendency to take money from workers to compensate CEOs. What can we do about this? After the first step, of course, which is elect people who believe in equality.
  6. People who are more ideologically pure support Bernie. We know this from polls where he does better among college students and faculty and environmentalists. Hillary does better among Mexicans and Blacks.
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