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Frank Selders

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Everything posted by Frank Selders

  1. A's are a fundamentalay sound team. Angels not too much.
  2. Good morning, good afternoon, and good night.
  3. Nice to see Ianneta step up and embrace the full time catchers job. We haven't had a good catcher since Benji Molina .
  4. Might we see Alvarez in the starting rotation sooner than later?
  5. Another crappie performance by an Angel starter.
  6. Billy Bean is a genius when it comes to the assembly of a major league team.
  7. Joyce trying to live up to Hamilton's standard.
  8. Pujols,Aybar,Cron, Ianneta, and Joyce are all hitting under. 200.
  9. Albert off to another slow start. He has less hits than games played.
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