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Posts posted by juansavage1

  1. Kurt,

    I think we should work to cleanse the nation from racism. What are your steps after acknowledging the problem?

    I understand that making Blacks and Mexicans think that racism is a huge problem for them keeps them loyal to the left, but it's very harmful to them and to the society.


    That was my thought also and the guy in that video is no doubt a lib, hell bent on keeping them loyal to the left.

  2. Sure it can.


    There is an overwhelming need for people in our country and others to transport themselves using an automobile.


    There is not an overwhelming reason why most people need guns.

    People in the US use guns thousands of times a year to protect themselves from criminals. 




    * Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year -- or about 6,850 times a day. [1] This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. [2]

    * Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.[3]

    * As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]

    * Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of "Guns in America" -- a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.[5]



  3. More evidence of racism in the US: 





    You can say that racism is alive, but I don't think you can say that it's well. Racism is worse than raping boys in this culture (Michael Jackson is still cool, but that Southern cook who said a bad word 30 years ago can't work) and is almost the only offense that would make you an instant outcast. 


    I understand that making Blacks and Mexicans think that racism is a huge problem for them keeps them loyal to the left, but it's very harmful to them and to the society. 

  4. How many of these refugees are from Ogden? In the countries from which they've come women out alone or not covered are considered fair game.


    I still say that all the countries should take the elderly, women, and children and tell the able bodied men to go home and fight for their homes.

    My question is why state that they were socially conservative. There are lots of socially conservative places on earth where women aren't raped at very high rates. Do Orthodox Jewish men act this way during Jewish festivals? 


    On the other hand, very socially liberal places like college campuses, according to some experts, and liberal inner-cities have higher rates of sexual assault. I don't even think they act that way in Muslim countries. 


    I think the Times could have been more specific and said, "Many immigrants come from Muslim cultures to a land of pussies who pardon aggressive behavior from minorities."

  5. Fox news! What a way to go through life: everybody who disagrees with me has been tricked or a bad person.

    Guys like him are Murica who receive all their life instruction from FOX News. My first executive order as POTUS will be to remove FOX News from the airwaves (thus I don't watch TV as much), hang Hannity and O'Reilly for treason and make Hasselbeck and Megyn my sex slaves. Then my second executive order and pooping on the Constitution will be if you have an I.Q. under 120 you can not purchase or own a firearm.....BOOM, I just made America great again!

  6. Why did the German media ignore the attacks? Socially conservatives are grope women more? Are women groped more in Utah than in Chicago? 




    The assaults initially were not highlighted by the police and were largely ignored by the German news media in the days afterward.

    The attacks and the livid reaction to them presented a new political challenge for the chancellor, whose decision to take in refugees from conflict-ridden nations opened the doors to waves of migrants last summer and fall. As the number of asylum-seekers has grown and the challenge of assimilating them has become clearer, Ms. Merkel has come under intensifying criticism for failing to anticipate the social and economic costs of her policy.

    The descriptions of the assailants — by the police and victims quoted in the news media — as young foreign men who spoke neither German nor English immediately stoked the debate over how to integrate such large numbers of migrants and focused new attention on how to deal with the influx of young, mostly Muslim men from more socially conservative cultures where women do not share the same freedoms and protections as men.


  7. This cartoon has been on some feminist websites (Feministing: Thanks to Victor Entrepuertas and Anonima P. for this gem, which succinctly calls out male “feminist” allies’ mansplaining, gaslighting, misogyny, abuse, and more) and the one for medical service provider Planned Parenthood.




    One of the criticisms leveled at all of us is: 


    As much as I think I am an ally to womxn, I do not focus my work where it can make the most impact: other men. By pushing away relationships with men, I impose the burden of my emotional labor on the womxn in my life.

    Guilty. I'd like to start off a discussion of what we can do to further social justice for women [sic] and soon-to-be women [sic]. 

  8. Here's some clarity:

    Liberals don't like conservative things or things that aren't on board with the movement and feel that they must destroy them. Fox News isn't always liberal so they must destroy it. Since it isn't possible to ban it, they denigrate it and make people waste time defending themselves.

  9. I think you misunderstand what I mean by "it doesn't matter," notti. I meant that it doesn't matter what *I* make - my view would be the same regardless of whether I'm unemployed or in the 1% or (as is the case) somewhere in-between.

    There's a fallacy out there that rich people don't think they should be taxed more than poor people. Some, many, even most might believe that, but some don't.

    Although AJ is probably a communist, he's correct. This is ideology, not self interest. It's like how some cute girls become nuns or otherwise refrain from having sex or become feminists/lesbians, not just the ugly ones.

    There are in fact many very rich people who vote for higher taxes. Beverly Hills only elects democrats.

  10. Whole food is a nice place to shop and to just hang out. It's like an "El Super" for rich white people, but instead of being able to buy jewelry and auto insurance and send money to Mexico, you can read boring adventure magazines as you sip Vietnamese coffee. 

  11. BTW Kurt, it was very funny right up until Juan thought this was another JC Poli-Sci Sci thread.

    I think I start losing you when it gets to 10th grade level. Sorry. Here: 


    "Bad redneck Nazis like to sing Jesus songs because they don't like Muslims and my gay neighbor."


    Feel better? Now go suck on a pacifier. 

  12. Are the people here who don't think there's an effort to remove public Christmas symbols, discourage schools from singing Christmas songs, or encourage secularization trends like the substitution of "Happy Holidays" for "Merry Christmas" Christians? Or, are the people here denying that the war on Christmas the kind of person who would support the above? 

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