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Posts posted by juansavage1

  1. Left leaning organizations with 90+% white audience:



    Womens studies and other political college majors.

    Arty/edgy/lefty movies.

    I appreciate what he's saying, and I love his comedy, but saying baseball fans being mostly white is like a tea party rally is dumb. Tell that to the republican hotbed where none of the players are black known as San Francisco. Leave political partisanship out of the conversation.

  2. I agree with you, Angels Never Die, and feel much the same. I mean, I get it, I just don't resonate with it. It comes down to human psychology and, I think, a kind of tribalism - "my tribe vs. your tribe." I'm guessing that people that tend to be extremely tribal around their team are also rather nationalistic ("'Merica is the greatest!"). But I think the bottom line is, don't take it too seriously. Let the dogs bark.


    That said, I was really, really happy to see the A's lose last night - but not because I have anything against A's, but primarily because I fear them more than the Royals, and secondarily because when the Angels aren't playing I like to cheer for the underdog and enjoyed seeing the Royals make the playoffs for the first time in 29 years.


    Now what I find a bit silly is when people of one fan-base claim that the fan-base of another team is inherently more asshatish, douchey, etc. I mean, maybe, but there are douches and asshats in every fan-base. I don't think A's fans are inherently worse than any other group.


    This is normally the case with sports and tribalism can have negative consequences, like WWI. However, some things are intrinsically evil and not just an accident of birth or arbitrary choosing of sides. If somebody hoped that Jeffrey Dahmer were rotting in hell, you wouldn't say that it was merely because that person hated German-Americans. You'd assume that it was based on Dahmer's crimes against humanity. It's much the same with the Ass. 

  3. I think a Giants-Yankees WS would have been like Hitler-Stalin in WWII- either winning would have been bad and decent people around the world just have wanted them each to get bloodied. 


    Dodgers-Angels is like Pershing going after Pancho Villa- a decent, civilizing force against a group of idealistic bandits and thugs. 

  4. 2 points and a question:

    1. I'd be mad if it were little kids, but I'd still see the criticism as an opportunity to build my son's resiliency. If my grown son was upset, I would not be sympathetic towards him.

    2. The only solution to your problem would be to stop criticism. Is that what we want?

    3. Do you want to cater to the players and management or to the fans?

    How would you react if your son strikes out 3 times with the bases loaded in a little league game and 2-3 people in the stands start yelling "You suck!" and "Spencer's son is a gutless choker" and "Stop it Spencer's son. Just STOP it!"?

  5. They should only allow white music.

    Maybe some good ol' southern rock.

    Skynyrd anyone?

    Why make it a racial thing? Do you think all black people think rap music is OK? Do you think people here would object to the Temptations or James Brown? 


    There are two issues. One is whether to have music at all and the other is if the music is ok in a family environment. I'm OK with it. I don't think they play the bad words in the rap music. If they did, I wouldn't like it. 

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