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Posts posted by GregAlso

  1. Has anyone else noticed the new celebration signals the players are using? I remember the Rangers using something similar in their first World Series year. I believe it was a claw and antlers. Our guys seem to be doing a salute for doubles and triples. They also seem to be doing some kind of hand pull or dance move for a single or RBI, not sure which. I've been noticing it the last few games but I'm not sure when it started. The only thing I ever remember them doing was the Capt Morgan pose after a victory. Anybody have any ideas, insights, or inside info?

  2. Seriously, you never throw another strike at 0-2...even 1-2 is debatable. However, it is obvious that Wilson is throwing too many pitches, especially full counts.

    Never? Even when everyone knows you'll throw a ball?! A pitcher has to keep them honest or they'll never swing in those counts. That's like saying lets just start with a 2-2 count and go from there. It shouldn't be all the time but CJ is too predictable. Get a quick 0-2 count, nibble till its 3-2, and then hope for the best. It's just driving his pitch count up and putting the other team in a position to succeed.

  3. I'm not saying he should just throw strikes every 0-2 or 1-2 count but he has to do it sometimes or hitters will just assume those pitches are going to be out of the zone and lay off. My point is he's too predictable, just like Blanton. Blanton needs to be willing to waste more pitches to set up bad contact, opposite problem.

  4. According to fox tracks CJ was not getting squeezed. Ump had a good zone. All those balls were borderline sure but they were just off the plate. He's predictable. If I were in an 0-2 count against him I wouldn't swing till it was 3-2. It is predictable, he needs to throw strikes 0-2 & 1-2 sometimes.

  5. Trout should be the leadoff batter.....

    Mark68..... I hope that you were kidding about Ianetta being leadoff? Last thing you need is Trout being stuck behind Ianetta on the bases. Trout would never steal another base again.

    Nope, I don't think he was kidding. The question is are you? How many times will they both be on base at the SAME time. One with a .350 OBP and the other with maybe a .380 OBP. The both get on 3.5 times per ten ABs. So one of every 4 times they are on base together. Of those times how's by times will trout get an XBH that he could turn into a triple? 1 in 10? So about 2.5% of the time Iannetta COULD get in his way and for that you'll accept more outs, lower OBP with more ABs by leading off, in your lineup? Really?! I'll take fewer outs please.

    Additionally, for those who preach protection or the threat of Trout stealing giving hitters behind him better pitches read this quote: ""I don't think a team is going to worry about stopping the stolen base as much as getting Josh out," Scioscia said. "You can take advantage by stealing a base on an off-speed pitch, but they're going to pitch Josh how they need to pitch him. If you try to stop the stolen base you might have the ball hit in the stands."" Even if you don't like Scioscia you have to admit this is true. I'm sure he knows better than we do.

  6. According to research in "The Book" on lineup optimization the best hitter should bat second. This is because the situations a #2 hitter are in compared to a #3 hitter are better and a #2 hitter comes to bat more often. A #3 hitter comes to bat with 2 outs and nobody on frequently. This is the reason why the second best hitter should bat fourth. The #4 hitter comes to bat in higher leverage situations than the #3 hitter, think 1 on and 2 out in first inning. The middle of my order would be Trout, Hamilton, Pujols.

    We dont have any good leadoff options right now. Maybe Bourjos could fit. The only real thing a leadoff hitter needs to do is get on base safely by walk or hit. It is equal for a leadoff guy. Speed doesn't really matter because the guys behind him are power hitters and as long as he isn't a total base clogger you're fine. Speed only is a big advantage in front of singles hitters. Right now Callaspo and Bourjos have the best OBP apart from the big 3. I'd put one of them first, probably Callaspo until Peter proves himself more. Tonight I'd try Peter because Callaspo is out.

    My lineup with all healthy:




















    I know this is not conventional wisdom, but don't worry, any reasonable lineup isn't that much better than any other lineup. No biggie

  7. Please check out my Inside Edge piece titled "Survival of the Fittest: Evolution of an Ace" for my full opinion. One thing to remember, Weaver is relying more on the sinker & cutter these days to create more movement. Those are slower pitches by nature and will produce slower FB velocity. Weaver's problem last night was fastball command. What turned him into an Ace was limiting free passes and keeping the ball in the yard. That is why he is bad in Texas, the ball jumps out of that park. He got killed by walking hitters last night. Velocity also increases in May and June, so let's wait and see.

  8. If you read the article about BABIP linked in the article, velocity has the least effect on it. First is movement then location then at the end is velocity, whose effect is minimal. Weaver, with deception, appears faster to hitters as well. This is because they pick up the ball later and have less time to recognize it. His biggest issue now is command (walks) and the homerun ball, also due to his command. If Weaver doesn't hit his spots he's done. His reduced velocity is probably due to his increased use of his sinker and cutter. Those are slower pitches than his 4-seamer.

  9. I don't consider Angel stadium a pitchers park or a HR park. Safeco is or was a pitchers park.

    According to major league park factors it is about a 93, where 100 is neutral. It holds down offense about 7% more than a neutral park, which is within 1-2% of Safeco in previous years. Just a fact, our park is a pitcher's park.

  10. The sacrifice bunt ordered for Kendrick in the 7th was a bad decision. Give up an out with your 8 and 9 hitters up next is curious at best.

    Not with Mr GIDP up to bat. I was honestly concerned Howie was going kill that rally and he almost got a hit if not for a fantastic defensive play by Cueto.

  11. Just an FYI for all those who read Jeff Fletcher and Marcia Smith's coverage of the Angels, you gots to pay now. As of midnight tonight it goes behind a Paywall until 90 days from it being published. I liked reading it but its not worth $2 a day, the rate for non-subscribers. If you get the paper you can read it on days you get it delivered only. That is all, you may return to your regularly scheduled programming.

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