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Everything posted by desiderata

  1. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/20681/68916/ Lunch, by Maine Beer Company. Have had a few of their others that I'm not in love with. Haven't had Dinner, though. As an aside, favorite brewery is North Fork Brewing Company.
  2. Interesting list. My favorite beer happens to come from Maine, but didn't know the entire state was into it per capita like that.
  3. I was going to say something along these lines when people kept talking about the glorious 90s, as if CA is the only place in the country where your $ doesn't go as far as it used to.
  4. As someone who was about like 4th or 5th generation Orange County and went to UCLA, but who has since lived in Chicago (grad school) and now NYC, California does have its flaws that I wouldn't have known if I hadn't lived other places. That said, I can't wait to come back (will just be a while [edit: for reasons*] that have nothing to do with wanting or not wanting to be there).
  5. I was more interested in the potential experience with concussions than other potential implications you might be suggesting.
  6. He was right, and while the umps could have looked independently, the union didn't negotiate overtime pay and they're getting sleepy.
  7. Pretty sure it would have been a ground rule double anyway, but I unironically agree because I'm not absolutely sure.
  8. Bummer. On the bright side, at least they're local and didn't have to waste the vacation budget.
  9. He might want to try throwing more strikes at some point. But if he doesn't that's okay too.
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