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Posts posted by HaloFan85

  1. Scioscia isn't going to be fired. If he is would Scioscia get paid by the Angels through 2018 + by the next organization that hires him? Or, if he was fired, would the Angels only have to pay him the difference between his Angels contract - new contract annual salary, if he was paid less by another organization?

    Moreno is the problem. Can't fire the owner.

    I don't think he'll get fired during the season because there's just no one available on the market or on an interim basis, but I'd put at at 50/50 'after' the season if we fail to make the playoffs again.  Eating money wasn't an issue with GMJ or Wells, so I doubt it would be a problem if they can find someone they like better in the off-season.

  2. They took a 21yo who had the best rookie season of all time and switched him to a less natural position where he hadn't gotten many reps. Granted, it made the most sense as the guy replacing him is a better cf defender. Turns out trout is a decent but not great lfer as of yet.

    It was a distraction. Along with the increased hype, contract renewal etc. two games into a move back to cf and he has a miscue. Give the guy a chance to get his cf bearings back.

    Also, the league has a full year of film on him now.

    Finally, he's 21. Twenty freakin one years old.

    He gets some grace.

    2012 line as a LFer: .326/.395/.645, 10 HR, 25 RBI


    So he didn't mind getting kicked to the corner last season but this season it's suddenly a problem?

  3. With a right hander up the 2nd baseman covers on a steal leaving the right side open. Most teams use a shift on Hamilton to start with so the 2nd baseman would stay in place and the SS would cover on a steal playing close to the bag. That does not either help Trout's running game or keep them out of a double play. Hamilton in the 2nd spot is not going to change the way they pitch to him, already they are throwing faux pitchouts and he swings at them.

    The catcher would still have to make a perfect throw 'over' Hamilton with Trout's kind of speed, and that wouldn't be easy considering Hamilton's size.  And it's not like Hamilton is a dead pull hitter.  The guy hits to all fields when he's on.  All I'm saying is give it a try to see if it could get Trout and Hamilton out of their slumps.

  4. Perhaps the biggest difference in the years is that in 1983, KROQ was listenable.


    If you didn't like a song on KROQ, all you had to do was stick around and you would hear something you liked, whether if it was in heavy rotation or something you never heard before. 


    And the station played a few different genres of music.  Without doing a search, I'm thinking you woulda heard the Stray Cats, Depeche Mode, The Stranglers, Culture Club, Heaven 17 (name taken from "A Clockwork Orange"), Translator, Killing Joke and on and on. 


    And late night on Sundays, Rodney on the Roq played all kinds of new English stuff and local bands before it broke in the rest of the States.  There was alot of junk, but there were also alot of gems.


    I miss listening to KROQ when it mattered.

    And MTV actually played music.

  5. Could carrying around any extra weight have an effect on his swing?  His contact% in the zone is up from last year, but he's making much less contact on pitches outside the zone.  He's also swinging at more pitches outside the zone than last year and swinging at fewer pitches inside the zone.  He often looks like he's just guessing at the plate and not tracking the ball as much.  Kind of looks lost out there.

  6. Hamilton has been the same exact hitter his entire career!  I find it hard to believe any of you thought he resembled anything close to a 'patient' hitter (that's what it sounds like from the tone around here).  And yes, like some have said, he's had these slumps before, and a few of them have been at the start of the season.  Will he come around?  Who knows, but his approach isn't any different from what it has been throughout his entire career.


    For those of you that wanted him signed in the off-season, this shouldn't come as a surprise.

  7. I wish the media would ask Scioscia if he has given a stop sign on the base stealing and why.  It does appear that our best base runners are not stealing as often as they have in the past.

    Bourjos in the past has said he doesn't get an automatic green light, so I wouldn't be suprised if he isn't getting it again.

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