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Posts posted by Lifetime

  1. WTF? The whole argument is that most of the time the catcher isn't even blocking the plate. A lot of the times the catcher is setting up for a swipe tag and the runner still chooses to run him over. It has nothing to do with woosification of America. No clue what you're talking about. It has to do with eliminating unnecessary injuries and keeping the game as safe as possible. As usual...you find a way to miss the point.

    And that argument is without merit. Most of the time a plate collision occurs, the catcher is blocking the plate.

  2. So you'd be open to an amendment that addresses modern weaponry with regards to the second amendment?  

    Not sure what in my comment lead you to that conclusion, but I'd be open to the process Glen. That's the way the system is supposed to work.

  3. So you gave an answer to how many shots you estimate were fired?

    yes. again, not the answer you jackasses were looking for. And here you are, in a completely unrelated thread, still being a jackass trying to stir up trouble, as per your usual.

  4. oh lol,sorry I didn't misinterpret what you actually said for what you meant to say. so tell me, what did you really mean again?


    Of course. By using the word "bunch", I implied bananas, which means that the women in the truck weren't in real danger. Or maybe it was a veiled racial slur directed at any black officers who were present. Or perhaps I implied Bradys, which means that the whole thing was staged to film a bad sitcom, trivializing the real danger in the situation.


    People who concern themselves as much with how something is said as with the content are too tedious for me to deal with.

  5. and this is unusual or unexpected from a GM after losing one of their starting OF and fielding questions from the press about how the outfield is going to look or if certain players might be traded? I dont see the issue here.

  6. uh, you also said that because of that they could not objectively interpret the Constitution. so you're saying that they side with the crowd but they don't side with the ideals and regardless of that they cant be objective? that seems reasonable enough.

    Uh, no. I said that they were on the side of that crowd, not that they were part of it or that guns were their primary focus. Thanks for playing.


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