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Posts posted by angelduck

  1. Message board politics? What did I say in this thread that had anything to do with message board politics? I just answered their question. It's too bad you can't get paid being a message board troll. 


    Wow. Must have hit a nerve there, eh? I'm mostly just saying that you seem to care an awful lot about who made which post under which ID. It's a message board brah. Who gives?

  2. Winning in the playoffs does a lot to change a players mind.  In this short season I doubt you can get enough for Perry anyway.


    But if Murray feels like he isn't going to sign with the Ducks regardless of what happens you gotta trade him. A first, a prospect, and an NHL winger. If they traded him now they might be able to get more than that. If they trade him at the deadline...that will be the asking peoce

  3. He looks rough.  His lower body isn't right.  That Knee really put him back.  I really notice the lack of power in his legs during batting.  But maybe he is really taking it easy and not exploding on the ball.  I dunno.  And I am sure he wouldn't tell me if I asked.  hahahhaha


    Wouldn't be surprised if we saw another atrocious April from him. 9 more years of him  :(

  4. The only one you could possibly argue is Callaspo. And even then, there is no way you can definitively say that higher weight = being lazy.


    He's fat - call it like it is. Being a professional player and being fat means he's lazy. How fricken hard is it to jog two miles a day? The guy has all day to workout, yet he chooses to sit around and do nothing. Maintaining your normal weight is something most regular human beings who aren't getting paid big bucks and don't have 24 hours a day to run. It's unprofessional to come to camp 20 pounds overweight

  5. If I was getting paid millions of dollars I think I could show up to camp in just as good of shape as any of these guys. Don't act like it's torture to keep your body in shape and diet maybe lift some weights over the offseason. There is NO excuse for any of these guys to come to camp with a gut. It's their career; you'd think they could suck it up and move around a little in the offseason 

  6. Here is a training comparison.

    Robin Ventura has his players running hard, (overspeed drills, power running drills with bands)  hits for the most power I have seen in the Cactus league during batting drills and the players looks really in good shape.  Sometimes the players actually stay till 3 or 4 pm just running.


    Mike Scioscia  honestly I barely see them run.  They do some rubberband stretching and then they play catch.  Then they follow it up with a weak Batting Practice with little to no instruction.  Time to time they work on some double play drills.  Always stop by 1pm.  Never ever ever seen them go over.


    Yeah, I've been to spring training a couple times and whenever I stop by Diablo stadium...I see very little intensity in any of the practices. Lot of messing around taking weak little swings like their too cool to play. Never see anyone running, never see anyone doing intense fielding drills. Just a lot of lazy little groundballs hit at the short stop once every 5 minutes. These guys need reps. Not just hit one ball every 5 minutes and stand around playing tiddlywinks the rest of the time. 

  7. AD he removed Rodney three days into 2011 then removed Walden a month into the season in 2012. The team was stacked last year, except for a lousy pitching staff. I'm guessing Mike asked Haren to be hurt, for Santana to be shitty, for CJ to be hurt. It's a ridiculous argument. I would have loved to have heard the conversation Mike had with Albert asking him to suck the first month of the season. Blame the underperforming players.


    What took him a month to remove Walden? The pitching was bad, but it wasn't as bad as you make it sound. Weaver was a top 5 AL pitcher, We aquired Greinke who pitched great for us, Wilson was great before ASB and bad after ASB, overall he was decent, Haren under-performed, but still was a decent 4 starter, Santana was garbage no getting around that. Overall, the staff was decent. The bullpen was bad I'll give you that. To be honest, the pitching goes back to Mike Butcher. I blame him for Santana being garbage and Richards not developing meanwhile we were watching the A's scrubs pitch brilliantly. He has not gotten results. He needs to go just like Hatcher needed to go last year. Underperforming players? uhhh, you call Trout having a historic year underperforming? What about Hunter having a career year? Aybar was good last year again, Kendrick was an above average 2B like usual - nothing special, Trumbo improved on his rookie year, Iannetta was our best catcher since Napoli when healthy, Pujols was a disappointment, but he was still better than what almost every other manager had at 1B. We'll see this year. We added Hamilton.Are you guys going to be using these same excuses if this team isn't playing in October...again this year?

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