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Everything posted by BleedRed

  1. Mandatory out on BP... Amazing no base runners all nite and the first one gets thrown out
  2. Lets play "who gets the first hit"....I say Navarro
  3. Did anyone here think Shoe would go this far and give up only those 2 runs? I didn't
  4. Gotta hand it to Shoe....keeping us in the game...now offense must get rolling
  5. 39 pitches...still no outs in second inning...ne dp bad
  6. throw was more than a little off....had to be to the first base side of the plate
  7. usually good D went bad and cost the game....
  8. Jeppy has to hold them here so Kole Aybar Trout get a shot...
  9. yeah, but that 9 million per sure does help his self esteem
  10. conventional wisdom is you dont play for the tie as visiting team....but with our BP vs theirs I think it shoul;dnt apply here
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