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Posts posted by HaloMagic

  1. Also, obviously Wells is trying. He's just not very good anymore. And I see no problem with him taking the money. The owners signed a contract with him based on him providing his full effort. He is doing that. They believed that his full effort would result in a higher contribution to the club than it is. They were wrong. That has nothing to do with him.

  2. The amount of money Wells is owed wasn't due to anything Reagins but it certainly wasn't a very good move. In business you wouldn't want to acquire a company with non-negotiable leases or overhead expenses that prevent the acquisition from positively contributing to your bottom line. Even though you didn't sign the leases or work out the contracts it's still stupid to take them on if you can't change them and they are shitty.

  3. As far as Android I confirmed on Honeycomb, ICS, and Jellybean on a bunch of browsers. Firefox, Chrome, Dolphin, Boat, Sky fire, and Xoom stock browser. The method I outlined above works on all those. Save page as bookmark, go to bookmarks, long-press link and a box will pop up. Choose "Add to Home Screen". The link will save on the first available spot on your home screen.

    Could not figure out how to to it with Opera or Maxthon browsers.

  4. This episode wasn't very good. It might be the only episode that I thought was almost entirely unnecessary. I guess we'll have to wait and see but I feel like anything they did in this episode could have easily been added to a prior episode. They could have replaced 45 seconds of stuff from last week with anything relevant from this week and just trashed the episode and I don't feel like we would be missing anything. Nothing happened.

    Still love the show. Excited for the showdown.

  5. Calhoun overall looked good today as well. Trout esque catch at the wall to save two runs.

    That catch was with the bases empty and would have hit the top of the wall. Not a knock on Calhoun but I don't think it's accurate to say it saved two runs. The immediate impact of the play certainly didn't save anything and I don't think any runs would have scored had he missed it.

    It was a good catch, though.

  6. Dreams are often impossible. And yet we find, when we try to achieve them, they are more possible than we ever realized.

    I don't think disarming the majority of the country is impossible. I also don't think it's necessary, worth the effort, and I don't support it.

  7. Another thing. A tie? When is the last time that happened?

    67th Academy Awards (for 1994 movies). Best Live Action Short - Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life and Trevor.

    It's happened 5 times before tonight. 3 times were minor awards (above mentioned best live action short and twice -1949 and 1986 - for best documentary). In 1932, the Best Actor Award was separated by only one vote which was considered a tie by the Academy at the time. In 1969 Barbara Streisand and Katharine Hepburn both received the same number of votes for Best Actress.

  8. Gun laws in an area that freely and openly associates with areas that have no gun laws are destined to fail. I don't believe that outlawing guns is a good answer and I can't imagine voting for someone who openly admits that they would vote to do so but I don't think that the laws in Chicago that have failed are proof that gun control isn't possible. The flow of guns into Chicago can't be contained at all. Not even a little. This is not true of the United States. The amount of guns available would decrease drastically. This has been shown in other countries.

    As for the disarming of the public and things getting bad, that's not the whole story. Most societies didn't disarm the populace and things still got bad. And many societies exist today with disarmed populaces. It's not complete to say disarming is what causes the problem. The problems nave come without it and many places have done it without problems occurring.

  9. If it weren't for adults voting for animated kids movies and some shitty movie about a tiger on a boat I would have swept this. I'll input this info into the ol' computer and make the necessary adjustments. I'll be back next year with a clean sweep prediction.

  10. Yeah, that SS was super confused after getting hit. It's not as though the hit itself stunned him as he pulled his arms up to defend himself when the runner started to throw another. It was more as though he really didn't understand that a guy that size would throw a punch at him after trying to steal his glove. The situation looked mind-boggling to him.

  11. The runner held onto the glove of the SS which probably prevented him from possibly making a play on the batter-runner who was possibly creeping around 1st bases because of the rundown. Even if he wasn't who holds onto a players glove? That's some bush league stuff right there. That's something A-Rod would do. I don't think a friendly push was too far out of line.

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