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Posts posted by HaloMagic

  1. I am somewhat split on this one. I don't mind the idea that, in an extremely rare situations that will probably never occur, the government uses drones on targets within the US borders. However, I don't think those targets should be US citizens. I would be in favor of being able to charge citizens and conduct public trials in absentia and revoke their citizenship upon a guilty verdict. Then I wouldn't be opposed to drone strikes in situations where it is deemed completely necessary, provided the risk to extraneous human life or damage that could lead to undue hardship is effectively 0%. In that case other approaches should be taken. Unfortunately our current Constitution doesn't allow trials to be conducted in absentia so there would need to be an amendment made to allow it. Short of that I don't support targeted drone strikes on any American citizens anywhere.

  2. If folks were willing to call Dan Haren an "ace" then why not Wilson? In terms of stuff, Wilson is better. In terms of numbers, for 2.5 of the last 3 seasons he's put up an ERA south of 3. I mean sure, technically Wilson's not an ace, but he's putting up ace numbers. So when does he then become an ace? And if he's not an ace, why would we call R.A. Dickey an ace?

    I mean remove the fact that Dickey won his Cy Young last season, have his numbers the past three years blown Wilson's out of the water? Not in the least.

    Not 2.5 in the last 3. In 2010 his ERA was closer to 3.5. And if you're going to do the half thing it should be worth noting his ERA was above 3 in the first half of 2011 as well. So it's 1 out of the last 3 seasons.

    Good pitcher, though. Glad he's on our team and I'm happy with the contract, at least right now. But your numbers are wrong.

  3. Well I don't know who has a grudge against anyone on here but I can't imagine why a change of forum design would impact the way people interact with each other. I know mt had a little break from the board. For most other people it's been business as usual all the way through. I can't imagine why they would just decide to act differently. If they are acting within the board's guidelines (which admittedly sometimes we don't always follow) then I don't see the problem or the need to change.

  4. The end result of their enforcement isn't always the same... Don't you think that's because people aren't all buying into the whole "obey the law" thing? But seriously, laws are in place to create a safer society, but it will ALWAYS be up to the people to CHOOSE to obey the law, or CHOOSE to disobey the law. We don't live in a society like "Minority Report" where we know people are going to commit crimes before they happen. The best we can do is set ethical and moral guidelines for citizens to follow for the good of everyone. Some people just choose to go against that.

    What I meant was that just because it's a law doesn't mean if actually creates a safer society. The law may have been put Ito place in an attempt to do so but the enforcement of the law doesn't actually make society safer at all. Examples would be the now defunct anti-sodomy laws or current laws that restrict the use of marijuana by adults. Some laws are just silly and don't have any positive impact at all. Other laws, like marijuana legislation, actually make society more unsafe as they prop up a black market and criminal enterprise out of a product that could be perfectly safe on the white market. Laws aren't good just because people voted for them. People vote for stupid stuff all the time.

  5. Are you arguing GM isn't better today than 4 years ago? Or are you actually not understanding that his reference to "Detroit" had nothing to do with the actual city and that he was referring to car companies. Yes, GM has a continued influence on the City of Detroit's economy. No, the City of Detroit isn't doing good. Yes, GM is much improved fiscally, as are other American car manufacturers. No, the fact that the City of Detroit is financial insolvent doesn't have anything to do with whether the US car companies are doing well or not.

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